Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Contact: Siân Phipps  Deputy Clerk: Kayleigh Driscoll


Senedd.TV: View the webcast

Expected timing No. Item


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1 The Chair welcomed everyone to the Committee. Apologies were received from Joyce Watson AM and Leanne Wood AM. Gwyn Price AM was substitute for Joyce Watson and Dafydd Elis-Thomas AM was substitute for Leanne Wood.


(09.30 - 10.30)


Inquiry into international connectivity through Welsh ports and airports - Evidence session

Cruise Wales

Brian King, Vice Chair

Wyn Parry, Member


Irish Ferries

Paddy Walsh, UK Ports Manager

Supporting documents:


2.1 The Chair welcomed Brian King from Cruise Wales and Paddy Walsh from Irish Ferries. Members questioned the witnesses.

(10.30 - 11.30)


Inquiry into international connectivity through Welsh ports and airports - Ministerial Scrutiny Session

Edwina Hart AM- Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science

Carl Sargeant AM - Minister for Local Government and Communities 

Jeff Collins, Director Delivery, Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science

Supporting documents:


3.1 The Chair welcomed both Ministers and their Officials. Members questioned the Ministers.



(11.30 - 12.15)


Inquiry into international connectivity through Welsh ports and airports - Evidence session

Rail Freight Group

Robin Smith, Wales Representative


Road Haulage Association

Peter Cullum, Head of International Affairs

Freight Transport Association

Christopher Snelling, Head of Rail Freight & Global Supply Chain Policy

Supporting documents:


4.1 The Chair welcomed Robin Smith from Rail Freight Group, Peter Cullum from Road Haulage Association and Christopher Snelling from Freight Transport Association. Members questioned the witnesses.



Papers to note

Note of EU Procurement task and finish group on 8 February

Supporting documents:


5.1 Papers were noted.




View the meeting transcript.