Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Senedd

Contact: Policy: Llinos Dafydd  / Legislation: Fay Buckle

Expected timing No. Item


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1 Apologies were received from Darren Millar and Lindsay Whittle.  There were no substitutions.


(10.00 - 10.30)


Discussion on forward work programme - autumn 2012


2.1 The Committee agreed to undertake a short policy inquiry into a future strategy for diabetes in Wales in the autumn term, to be timetabled around its legislative and budgetary scrutiny commitments.


2.2 The Committee agreed that its next longer-term policy inquiry would focus on the appraisal of medical technology. The Committee agreed that the timing of oral evidence gathering for this inquiry would depend on the Committee’s programme of legislative scrutiny.


2.3 The Committee requested that draft terms of reference for both policy inquiries are prepared by the secretariat so that public consultations can be run over the summer recess.


2.4 The Committee agreed to schedule a session with the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales to discuss her annual report in the autumn term.


(10.30 - 11.30)


Inquiry into Residential Care for Older People - Evidence from the Deputy Minister for Children and Social Services

HSC(4)-18-12 paper 1

Gwenda Thomas AM, Deputy Minister for Children and Social Services

Steve Milsom, Deputy Director, Adult Social Services Policy Division

Supporting documents:


3.1 The Deputy Minister and officials responded to questions from members of the Committee on residential care for older people.


3.2 The Deputy Minister agreed to provide information in writing on how CSSIW is consulting with trade unions as part of its plan to modernise the regulation and inspection process, and to ask the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage to provide information on Welsh Government targets for increasing the use of extra care facilities as a means of meeting the needs of older people.


(11.30 - 12.30)


Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Bill : Stage 1 - Evidence Session 1

Minister for Health and Social Services

Lesley Griffiths AM

David Worthington - Head of Health Protection Division, Welsh Government

Christopher Humphreys - Legal Services Department, Welsh Government


4.1 The Committee took evidence from the Minister for Health and Social Services.


4.2 The Minister agreed to write to the Chair explaining why the detail regarding the fixed penalty notices is included in the Bill and possible exemptions to the scheme are not included at this stage.



Papers to note


P-03-295: Kyle Beere - Paediatric Neuro Rehabilitation

HSC(4)-18-12 paper 2

Supporting documents:


5.1 The Committee discussed the letter and agreed that its timetable did not allow immediate consideration of paediatric neuro rehabilitation, but that it would consider it as a possible issue for future work.



Letter from the Older People's Commissioner for Wales - United Nations Convention on the Rights of Older Persons

HSC(4)-18-12 paper 3

Supporting documents:


5.2 The Committee discussed the letter and agreed to discuss the issue with the Commissioner in the autumn term, during the anticipated session on the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales’s Annual Report.


