Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Senedd

Contact: Llinos Dafydd 

Expected timing No. Item


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1 The Committee received apologies from Darren Millar AM. There were no substitutions.

(09.30 - 10.15)


Public health implications of inadequate public toilet facilities - oral evidence

Louise Hughes, lead petitioner, P-03-292 Public Toilet Provision

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 1


Graeme Francis, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Age Cymru

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 2


John Vincent, Welsh Senate for Older People

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 3

Supporting documents:


2.1 The witnesses responded to questions from members of the Committee on the public health implications of inadequate public toilet facilities.


(10.15 - 11.00)


Public health implications of inadequate public toilet facilities - oral evidence

Mike Bone, Director, British Toilet Association

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 4


Gillian Kemp, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Network

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 5


Karen Logan, Nurse Consultant - Head of Continence Service, Aneurin Bevan Health Board



Break 11.00 – 11.05


Supporting documents:


3.1 The witnesses responded to questions from members of the Committee on the public health implications of inadequate public toilet facilities.


(11.05 - 11.50)


Public health implications of inadequate public toilet facilities - oral evidence

Chris Brereton, Deputy Chief Environmental Health Adviser, Welsh Government

Dr Sara Hayes, Acting Deputy Chief Medical Officer (public health)

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 6

Supporting documents:


4.1 The witnesses responded to questions from members of the Committee on the public health implications of inadequate public toilet facilities.


4.2 The Committee agreed to seek information on the current number of public toilets in Wales compared to 10 years ago.


4.3 The Committee agreed to write to the Communities, Equalities and Local Government Committee with a summary of the evidence it had heard on the public health implications of inadequate public toilet facilities, to suggest that it may wish to give consideration to the provision aspect of facilities.


4.4 The Committee agreed to undertake further one day evidence sessions on appropriate issues.



Papers to note


5.1 The Committee noted the letter on Neonatal Services from the Chair of the Children and Young People Committee.


5.2 The Committee agreed to seek further information from Welsh Government officials on the different groups it had consulted on the Organ Donation White Paper.



Letter from the Children and Young People Committee - Neonatal services

          HSC(4)-02-12 paper 7

Supporting documents:


5.1 The Committee noted the letter on Neonatal Services from the Chair of the Children and Young People Committee.



Organ Donation White Paper - further information from Welsh Government officials

HSC(4)-07-09 paper 8a – Points of clarification following 8 December 2011 meeting

          HSC(4)-07-09 paper 8b – Dates of public meetings, January 2012


Supporting documents:


5.2 The Committee agreed to seek further information from Welsh Government officials on the different groups it had consulted on the Organ Donation White Paper.