Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Contact: Policy: Claire Morris 

Expected timing No. Item



Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1 The Chair welcomed everybody to the meeting. There were no apologies.

(09:00 - 09:45)


Inquiry into Neonatal Care

Powys Teaching Health Board

Andrew Cottom – Chief Executive

Carol Shillabeer – Director of Nursing

Supporting documents:


2.1 The Committee took evidence from Powys Teaching Health Board on neonatal services.


(09:45 - 10:45)


Inquiry into Neonatal Care

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Paul Hollard – Interim Chief Executive

Dr Jennifer Calvert – Consultant Neonatologist


Cwm Taf Local Health Board

Allison Williams – Chief Executive

Kath McGrath - Assistant Director of Operations

Supporting documents:


2.1 The Committee took evidence from Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and Cwm Taf Local Health Board on neonatal services.


Action points:


The Clerk will forward the evidence received from the Royal College of Nursing to both Boards seeking their comments on the claim that some neonatal nurses have funded their own training and also undertaken training in their own time.


The Chair will write to the Deanery seeking clarification on the alleged shortage of junior doctors in neonatal services.


(11:00 - 11:45)


Inquiry into Neonatal Care

Aneurin Bevan Health Board

Dr Andrew Goodall – Chief Executive

Judith Paget, Director of Planning and Operations/ Deputy Chief Executive

Supporting documents:


2.1 The Committee took evidence from Aneurin Bevan Health Board on neonatal services.


Action points:


Aneurin Bevan Health Board agreed to write to the Chair advising on whether any babies’ condition has deteriorated whilst being transferred by ambulance from Powys to the Royal Gwent hospital and also agreed to supply figures of the number of unplanned transfers out of the South East Wales Community.


Papers to note


Inquiry into Neonatal Care: Additional information from Royal College of Nursing Wales

Supporting documents:


View the meeting transcript.