Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Senedd. View directions

Contact: Steve George  Deputy Clerk: Kayleigh Driscoll


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Expected timing No. Item


View the meeting transcript.


Introduction, apologies and substitutions

Supporting documents:



The Chair welcomed everyone to the Committee. There were no apologies.

(9.00 - 9.10)


P-04-472 Make the MTAN law

Supporting documents:


The Committee reviewed the evidence session held on 18 February and agreed to:

1.   Invite Planning Inspectorate Wales in to give evidence on the issues raised in the petition and the consistency of approach amongst those involved in the process;

2.   Write to the Minister seeking his views on the petitioner’s further comments; and

3.   Write to the WLGA, seeking their views on how the process is managed across all local authorities.

(9.10 - 9.30)


New petitions


P-04-538 Involving lecturers to ensure a Further Education Inspection Framework that is fit for purpose

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to:


1.   Write to the Minister for Education and Skills seeking his views on the petition along with further information on the parallel process for the wider education inspection framework;

2.   Write to Estyn, asking for further information on the make up of the advisory group and the rationale behind it.


P-04-539 Save Cardiff Coal Exchange

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to:

  1. The Minister for Culture and Sport seeking his views and clarification of the use of the Section 78 powers that were cited by the petitioner;
  2. Cadw seeking clarification of the issues raised in the petition from their perspective, including how they ensure that protections for buildings of this nature are adhered to;
  3. The Chief Executive and Leader of Cardiff Council asking:

Ø  for their views on the issues raised by the petition;

Ø  for further information about their plans for the Coal Exchange building and the reasons for taking their chosen approach; and

Ø  whether the Committee could visit the building.




P-04-540 Stop Sexism In Domestic Abuse

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to:

1.   The Minister for Local Government and Government Business seeking her views on the petition and whether the proposed Ending Violence against Women and Domestic Abuse (EVAWDA) Bill will adress any of the issues raised;

2.   Welsh Women’s Aid for their view on the statistics provided by the petitioner.


(09.30 - 11.00)


Updates to previous petitions


P-03-262 Academi Heddwch Cymru / Wales Peace

Supporting documents:


The Committee agreed to write to the petitioners thanking them for bringing the petition forward and to close the petition.


P-03-315 New Dyfi River Crossing Petition

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from the Minister and, in the absence of a response from the petitioners, agreed to explore alternative contacts from the South Meirionnydd Older People’s Forum to try to re-establish contact.


P-04-468 Road Safety Concerns A48 Chepstow

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from the petitioner and agreed to write to the Minister for Economy and Transport seeking her views on the petitioner’s comments generally and more specifically in point 8.


P-04-504 A483 Maerdy bridge Road Junction safety

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from the Minister and agreed to write to the petitioners, seeking their response to the Minister’s letter.


P-04-525 Funding for CREST Awards in Wales

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from the Minister for Economy and Transport and agreed to write to:


1.   The petitioners seeking their views on the Minister’s letter and further information on their plans in relation to submitting their business case to the Welsh Government for funding;

2.   The Minister asking her to notify the Committee of the outcome of the funding request, once received.


P-04-531 Renaming Cardiff Airport after Welsh Icon

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from the Minister for Economy and Transport and, given the clear indication that there are no plans to change the name of Cardiff Airport, agreed to close the petition.


P-04-422 Fracking

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from the petitioner which included a letter to him from the First Minister and agreed to write to:


1.   The Minister for Natural Resources and Food asking for his views on the petitioner’s comments and in particular the requests from stakeholders for additional guidance;

2.   The First Minister, asking for further details about his apparent view that the current regulatory structures are appropriate, particularly given the views of stakeholders, which seem to suggest otherwise;

3.   The petitioner, seeking further information on the industry spokesperson mentioned in his correspondence; and

4.   Natural Resources Wales, seeking its views.



P-04-500 Call For Regulation of Animal Welfare Establishments in Wales

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from the petitioner and agreed to:


1.   Write confidentially to the Minister for Natural Resources and Food seeking his views on the petitioner’s additional information and asking him to notify the Committee of the outcome of his consideration of the recommendations resulting from the Animal Welfare Network Wales’ report; and

2.   Ask for further advice and, if neccesary, action on notifying relevant regulatory authorities of possible animal welfare issues.



P-04-450 Barry & Vale needs a fully functioning hospital

Supporting documents:


Having received no response from the petitioner in reply to a letter from the Local Health Board, the Committee agreed to close the petition.


P-03-150 National Cancer Standards

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from Public Health Wales along with further comments from the petitioner and agreed to:


1.   Write to Public Health Wales, copying in the Minister for Health and Social Services, seeking further details on the timescale for the provision of the tailor made information; and

2.   Given the significant time period since the petition was submitted, request a short, focussed research brief, drawing together all the various strands of information.


P-04-530 Bilingual Labeling

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from the Minister for Health and Social Services and agreed to write to the petitioner, seeking his views on the Minister’s comments.


P-04-476 Restructuring in National Museum Wales

Supporting documents:


Given the lack of response from the petitioners, the Committee agreed to close the petition and in doing so, notify the Public and Commercial Services Union Cross Party Group.


P-04-478 A simple info pack for all the people of Wales explaining how they can stand as candidates

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition along with additional comments from the petitioner and agreed to close the petition.


P-04-487 A Welsh Government deposit loan scheme for first time Welsh home buyers

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from the Minister for Housing and Regeneration along with further comments from the petitioner and agreed to write again to the Minister, seeking his views on the petitioner’s additional correspondence.


P-04-521 Regulating Caravan Sites

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from the Minister for Housing and Regeneration along with further information from the petitioner and agreed to write to:


1.   The Fire and Rescue Authority seeking their views on the petition and the risks raised;

2.   The Minister for Local Government and Government Business, given her responsibility for community fire safety; and

3.   The relevant umbrella bodies for the caravan industry to seek their views on the issues raised by the petition.


P-04-529 A Letting Agents Ombudsman for Wales

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from the Minister for Housing and Regeneration along with further comments from the petitioner and agreed to:


1.   Group the petition with P-04-480 Address Private Sector Student Housing Standards, as requested by the petitioner; and

2.   Defer consideration of this petition, given the Minister’s commitment to introduce a compulsory registration and licensing scheme for private rented sector landlords and letting and management agents as part of the Housing Bill.


P-04-518 Universal Free School Lunches

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence from the Minister for Education and Skills and agreed to write to the petitioner, seeking her views on the Minister’s response.