Agenda and decisions

Venue: Y Siambr - Y Senedd


Senedd.TV: View the webcast

Expected timing No. Item

Presiding Officer Statement

The Presiding Officer announced that the Planning (Wales) Bill received Royal Assent on 6 July 2015.

(45 mins)


Questions to the First Minister

The Presiding Officer will call the Party Leaders to ask questions without notice to the First Minister after Question 2.


View Questions


Supporting documents:


The item started at 13.30

The first 8 questions were asked. The Presiding Officer invited party leaders to ask questions to the First Minister after Question 2.

(30 mins)


Business Statement and Announcement

Supporting documents:


The item started at 14.17

(30 mins)


Statement by the Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology: Superfast Broadband


The item started at 14.32

(30 mins)


Statement by the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport: An Update on Ports


The item started at 15.11

(30 mins)


Statement by the Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism: Year of Adventure 2016


The item started at 15.43

(30 mins)


Statement by the Deputy Minister for Farming and Food: The Common Agricultural Policy Basic Payment Scheme


The item started at 16.25

Proposal under Standing Order 12.24 to debate the following three items together but with separate votes (15 mins)

It was agreed under Standing Order 12.24 that the following three items would be debated together but with separate votes.



The Higher Education (Fee and Access Plans) (Wales) Regulations

NDM5803 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales; in accordance with Standing Order 27.5

Approves that the draft The Higher Education (Fee and Access Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2015 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 16 June 2015.

Supporting Documents
The Higher Education (Fee and Access Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2015
Explanatory Memorandum
Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee Report – no reporting points


The item started at 17.08

NDM5803 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales; in accordance with Standing Order 27.5

Approves that the draft The Higher Education (Fee and Access Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2015 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 16 June 2015.

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.



The Higher Education (Amounts) (Wales) Regulations

NDM5804 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales; in accordance with Standing Order 27.5

Approves that the draft The Higher Education (Amounts) (Wales) Regulations 2015 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 16 June 2015.

Supporting Documents
The Higher Education (Amounts) (Wales) Regulations 2015
Explanatory Memorandum
Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee Report – no reporting points



NDM5804 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales; in accordance with Standing Order 27.5

Approves that the draft The Higher Education (Amounts) (Wales) Regulations 2015 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 16 June 2015.

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.



The Higher Education (Designation of providers of Higher Education) (Wales) Regulations

NDM5805 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales; in accordance with Standing Order 27.5

Approves that the draft The Higher Education (Designation of Providers of Higher Education) (Wales) Regulations 2015 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 16 June 2015.

Supporting Documents
The Higher Education (Designation of providers of Higher Education) (Wales) Regulations
Explanatory Memorandum
Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee Report – no reporting points



NDM5805 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales; in accordance with Standing Order 27.5

Approves that the draft The Higher Education (Designation of Providers of Higher Education) (Wales) Regulations 2015 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 16 June 2015.

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.


Proposal under Standing Order 12.24 to debate the following two items together but with separate votes (15 mins)

It was agreed under Standing Order 12.24 that the following two items would be debated together but with separate votes.



The Care and Support (Partnership Arrangements for Population Assessments) (Wales) Regulations 2015

NDM5806 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales; in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:

Approves that the draft The Care and Support (Partnership Arrangements for Population Assessments) (Wales) Regulations 2015 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 12 June 2015. 

Supporting Documents
The Care and Support (Partnership Arrangements for Population Assessments) (Wales) Regulations 2015
Explanatory Memorandum
Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee Reportno reporting points




The item started at 17.18

NDM5806 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales; in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:

Approves that the draft The Care and Support (Partnership Arrangements for Population Assessments) (Wales) Regulations 2015 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 12 June 2015. 

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.



The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (Social Enterprise, Co-operative and Third Sector) (Wales) Regulations 2015

NDM5807 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales; in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:

Approves that the draft The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (Social Enterprise, Co-operative and Third Sector) (Wales) Regulations 2015 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 12 June 2015. 

Supporting Documents
The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (Social Enterprise, Co-operative and Third Sector) (Wales) Regulations 2015
Explanatory Memorandum
Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee Reportno reporting points



NDM5807 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales; in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:

Approves that the draft The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (Social Enterprise, Co-operative and Third Sector) (Wales) Regulations 2015 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 12 June 2015. 

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.


(60 mins)


Debate on the General Principles of the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill

NDM5808 Lesley Griffiths (Wrexham)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales in accordance with Standing Order 26.11:

Agrees to the general principles of the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill.

The Renting Homes (Wales) Bill and Explanatory Memorandum were laid before the Assembly on 9 February 2015.

The report of the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee on the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill was laid before the Assembly on 26 June 2015.

Supporting Documents
Renting Homes (Wales) Bill
Explanatory Memorandum
Report of the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee
Report of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee
Letter from the Chair of the Finance Committee to the Chair of the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee




The item started at 17.30


NDM5808 Lesley Griffiths (Wrexham)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales in accordance with Standing Order 26.11:


Agrees to the general principles of the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill.

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

(5 mins)


Debate on the Financial resolution of the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill

NDM5809 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, for the purposes of any provisions resulting from the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill, agrees to any increase in expenditure of a kind referred to in Standing Order 26.69, arising in consequence of the Bill.



The item started at 18.20

NDM5809 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, for the purposes of any provisions resulting from the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill, agrees to any increase in expenditure of a kind referred to in Standing Order 26.69, arising in consequence of the Bill.


Voting on the motion under this item was deferred until Voting Time.

The result was as follows:









The motion was agreed.



Voting Time


The item started at 18.20

(30 mins)


Short Debate - postponed from 24 June

NDM5793 William Powell (Mid and West Wales)

The Dyfed-Powys police helicopter: why the X99 provides vital support to public safety in Mid and West Wales.






The item started at 18.21

NDM5793 William Powell (Mid and West Wales)

The Dyfed-Powys police helicopter: why the X99 provides vital support to public safety in Mid and West Wales.

Votes Summary

Supporting documents:

Votes Summary

Record of Proceedings

Supporting documents: