Agenda and decisions

Venue: Y Siambr - Y Senedd


Senedd.TV: View the webcast

Expected timing No. Item

(45 mins)


Questions to the Minister for Education and Skills

Supporting documents:


The item started at 13:30

All 15 questions were asked. 

(45 mins)


Questions to the Minister for Local Government and Communities


The item started at 14:17

Questions 1 – 9 and 11 – 15 were asked.  Question 10 was not asked.

(60 mins)


Debate on the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee's Report on the Inquiry into the establishment of a separate Welsh jurisdiction


NDM5178 David Melding (South Wales Central)


The National Assembly for Wales:


Notes the report of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee on its inquiry into a separate Welsh Jurisdiction, which was laid in the Table Office on 12 December 2012.


Supporting documents:

Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee’s Report


The item started at 15:03

NDM5178 David Melding (South Wales Central)


The National Assembly for Wales:


Notes the report of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee on its inquiry into a separate Welsh Jurisdiction, which was laid in the Table Office on 12 December 2012.

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

(60 mins)


Welsh Conservatives Debate


NDM5180 William Graham (South Wales East)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Recognises that the Welsh Government has the economic levers at its disposal to make a significant difference to the Welsh economy.


2. Regrets that the Gross Value Added (GVA) in Wales is the lowest of the UK nations.


3. Calls on the Welsh Government to review its strategy for economic development in light of the concerns raised by the Cardiff University Business School report 'Small Businesses in Priority Sectors' regarding the ‘sectoral approach’.


4. Believes that the Minister must establish clear, measurable targets for key economic indicators to encourage economic progress and allow delivery to be monitored.


'Small Businesses in Priority Sectors' can be found on the following link:


The following amendments have been tabled:


Amendment 1 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


In point 1 delete ‘the’ before ‘economic levers’ and insert at end of point: ‘despite many remaining in the control of the UK Government’


Amendment 2 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Insert at the start of point 2:


‘Welcomes the progress being made to increase competitiveness across the UK following the recent rise from 10th to 8th place in the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index 2012–2013, but’


World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index 2012–2013 can be accessed on the following link:


Amendment 3 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


Insert at end of point 2: ‘but rejects the inevitability of this position’


Amendment 4 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Insert as new point 3 and renumber accordingly:


Calls on the Welsh Government to review the support offered for the commercialisation of academic intellectual property from all Universities in Wales, to ensure our entrepreneurs have the best opportunity to develop prosperous, home-grown Welsh businesses for the future.


The item started at 15.50

Voting on the motion and amendments under this item was deferred until Voting Time.

A vote was taken on the motion without amendment:

NDM5180 William Graham (South Wales East)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Recognises that the Welsh Government has the economic levers at its disposal to make a significant difference to the Welsh economy.


2. Regrets that the Gross Value Added (GVA) in Wales is the lowest of the UK nations.


3. Calls on the Welsh Government to review its strategy for economic development in light of the concerns raised by the Cardiff University Business School report 'Small Businesses in Priority Sectors' regarding the ‘sectoral approach’.


4. Believes that the Minister must establish clear, measurable targets for key economic indicators to encourage economic progress and allow delivery to be monitored.









The motion without amendment was not agreed.

The following amendments were tabled:

Amendment 1 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


In point 1 delete ‘the’ before ‘economic levers’ and insert at end of point: ‘despite many remaining in the control of the UK Government’

A vote was taken on Amendment 1:









Amendment 1 was agreed.

Amendment 2 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Insert at the start of point 2:


‘Welcomes the progress being made to increase competitiveness across the UK following the recent rise from 10th to 8th place in the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index 2012–2013, but’

A vote was taken on Amendment 2:









Amendment 2 was agreed.

Amendment 3 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


Insert at end of point 2: ‘but rejects the inevitability of this position’

A vote was taken on Amendment 3:









Amendment 3 was agreed.

Amendment 4 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Insert as new point 3 and renumber accordingly:


Calls on the Welsh Government to review the support offered for the commercialisation of academic intellectual property from all Universities in Wales, to ensure our entrepreneurs have the best opportunity to develop prosperous, home-grown Welsh businesses for the future.

A vote was taken on Amendment 4:









Amendment 4 was agreed.

A vote was taken on the motion as amended:

NDM5180 William Graham (South Wales East)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Recognises that the Welsh Government has economic levers at its disposal to make a significant difference to the Welsh economy despite many remaining in the control of the UK Government.


2. Welcomes the progress being made to increase competitiveness across the UK following the recent rise from 10th to 8th place in the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index 2012–2013, but Regrets that the Gross Value Added (GVA) in Wales is the lowest of the UK nations and rejects the inevitability of this position.


3. Calls on the Welsh Government to review the support offered for the commercialisation of academic intellectual property from all Universities in Wales, to ensure our entrepreneurs have the best opportunity to develop prosperous, home-grown Welsh businesses for the future.


4.Calls on the Welsh Government to review its strategy for economic development in light of the concerns raised by the Cardiff University Business School report 'Small Businesses in Priority Sectors' regarding the ‘sectoral approach’.


5. Believes that the Minister must establish clear, measurable targets for key economic indicators to encourage economic progress and allow delivery to be monitored.










The motion as amended was not agreed.

(60 mins)


Plaid Cymru Debate


NDM5179 Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


This National Assembly:


1. Recognises the complex but predominantly negative impact of economic stagnation and welfare benefit changes upon women and families in Wales as noted by the Bevan Foundation report ‘Women, work and the recession in Wales’;


2. Notes the warning of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation that Wales faces a decade of destitution;


3. Believes that that UK Government has followed the wrong economic path since 2010, putting women and families at risk; and


4. Calls upon the Welsh Government to implement the recommendations of Cuts Watch Cymru to mitigate the effects of housing benefit changes to families and develop a plan to support young women into appropriate and well-paid employment to meet their needs.


The Bevan Foundation report can be accessed on the following link:


The Cuts Watch Cymru recommendations can be accessed on the following link:


The following amendments have been tabled:


Amendment 1 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Delete point 1 and replace with:


Recognises the steps the UK Government has taken to address inequality in the benefits system ensuring that no one can earn more on benefits than the average family does by going out to work.


Amendment 2 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Insert at the end of point 2: ‘and further notes the barriers to work previously identified by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and that the Welsh Government must utilise the economic levers at its disposal to stimulate the Welsh economy and support Welsh families’


Amendment 3 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Insert as new point 3 and renumber accordingly:


Welcomes the work the UK Government has done to ensure that across the UK there are more women in work than ever before with a quarter of a million more women employed than at the last election.


Amendment 4 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Delete point 3 and replace with:


Notes that the UK Government is taking the necessary action to reduce the structural deficit and is helping families with the cost of living by taking steps, such as cutting income tax for 25 million people.


Amendment 5 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Delete point 4 and replace with:


Believes that the Welsh Government and some local authorities have left it worryingly late to prepare tenants for housing benefit changes and calls on the Welsh Government to take urgent action to address this.


The item started at 16:43

Voting on the motion and amendments under this item was deferred until Voting Time.

A vote was taken on the motion without amendment:

NDM5179 Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


This National Assembly:


1. Recognises the complex but predominantly negative impact of economic stagnation and welfare benefit changes upon women and families in Wales as noted by the Bevan Foundation report ‘Women, work and the recession in Wales’;


2. Notes the warning of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation that Wales faces a decade of destitution;


3. Believes that that UK Government has followed the wrong economic path since 2010, putting women and families at risk; and


4. Calls upon the Welsh Government to implement the recommendations of Cuts Watch Cymru to mitigate the effects of housing benefit changes to families and develop a plan to support young women into appropriate and well-paid employment to meet their needs.









The motion without amendment was agreed.

Voting Time

The item started at 17.38


Votes Summary

Supporting documents:

(30 mins)


Short Debate


NDM5175 William Powell (Mid and West Wales):


Supporting the rural economy.


Debate relates to developing a rural banking network.


The item started at 17.42

NDM5175 William Powell (Mid and West Wales):


Supporting the rural economy.


Debate relates to developing a rural banking network.

Record of Proceedings

Supporting documents: