Agenda and decisions

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Expected timing No. Item

(45 mins)


Questions to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development


The item started at 13.30

The first 11 questions were asked.

(45 mins)


Questions to the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage


The item started at 14.16

The first 7 questions were asked.

(5 mins)


Motion to suspend Standing Orders in relation to tabling deadlines on the 2 January 2013


NNDM5101 Rosemary Butler (Newport West)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. In accordance with Standing Orders 33.6 and 33.8, suspends:


a) Standing Order 12.20(i) to allow motions for debate on Tuesday 8 January 2013 to be tabled on Wednesday 2 January 2013; and


b) that part of Standing Order 12.59 that requires oral questions to be tabled at least 5 working days before they are to be answered, to allow the oral questions for answer on Tuesday 8 January 2013 to be tabled on Wednesday 2 January 2013.


2. Agrees that this suspension will apply on Wednesday 2 January only.


The item started at 15.02

NNDM5101 Rosemary Butler (Newport West)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. In accordance with Standing Orders 33.6 and 33.8, suspends:


a) Standing Order 12.20(i) to allow motions for debate on Tuesday 8 January 2013 to be tabled on Wednesday 2 January 2013; and


b) that part of Standing Order 12.59 that requires oral questions to be tabled at least 5 working days before they are to be answered, to allow the oral questions for answer on Tuesday 8 January 2013 to be tabled on Wednesday 2 January 2013.

2. Agrees that this suspension will apply on Wednesday 2 January only.

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.


Procedural Motion

Andrew RT Davies moved a procedural motion in accordance with Standing Order 12.32 to postpone the short debate.


The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.



(60 mins)


Welsh Conservatives Debate


NDM5098 William Graham (South Wales East)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Notes the negative impact winter pressures can have on the delivery of key public services and on the lives of people in communities across Wales.


2. Believes the Welsh Government has a key role to play in alleviating any burden placed on people across Wales by winter pressures.


3. Calls on the Welsh Government to implement a cross-portfolio Winter Pressures Strategy to ensure effective contingency plans are in place to tackle the impact that winter pressures place on Welsh life.


4. Believes a designated Welsh Minister should have overarching responsibility for responding to events which could arise as a consequence of severe winter weather in Wales.


The following amendments have been tabled:


Amendment 1 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Insert at the end of point 1:


and calls on the Welsh Government to plan accordingly to deal with those pressures’


Amendment 2 - Jocelyn Davies (South East Wales)


Delete point 3 and replace with:


Calls on the Welsh Government to work with local authorities to develop a strategy to protect communities against the effects of adverse winter weather.


Amendment 3 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Add as a new point at the end of motion:


Notes the severe deterioration in ambulance response times during the winter months and calls on the Welsh Government to work with the Welsh Ambulance Trust to ensure that response targets are met all year around.


The item started at 15.04


Voting on the motion and amendments under this item was deferred until Voting Time.


A vote was taken on the motion without amendment:


NDM5098 William Graham (South Wales East)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Notes the negative impact winter pressures can have on the delivery of key public services and on the lives of people in communities across Wales.


2. Believes the Welsh Government has a key role to play in alleviating any burden placed on people across Wales by winter pressures.


3. Calls on the Welsh Government to implement a cross-portfolio Winter Pressures Strategy to ensure effective contingency plans are in place to tackle the impact that winter pressures place on Welsh life.


4. Believes a designated Welsh Minister should have overarching responsibility for responding to events which could arise as a consequence of severe winter weather in Wales.










The motion without amendment was agreed.

(60 mins)


Plaid Cymru Debate


NDM5099 Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Recognises the vital importance of the budget of the European Union for the future of the Common Agricultural Policy and regional funds; and


2. Calls on the Welsh Government to make representations to the UK Government not to promote or agree to any reduction in the European budget which will have an adverse impact on Wales and on our ability to strengthen the Welsh economy.


The following amendments have been tabled:


Amendment 1 - William Graham (South Wales East)


In point 2 delete all after ‘UK Government’ and replace with ‘to negotiate a sound and efficient budget to meet the fiscal needs of Wales, ensuring a stable economy that supports CAP and regional funding.’


Amendment 2 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Add as a new point at the end of motion:


Regrets that despite receiving more than £6bn in European Union funding between 2000 and 2008, Wales has become relatively poorer and is still one of the poorest regions in the European Union.


Amendment 3 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Add as a new point at the end of motion:


Regrets that the Welsh Government has failed to utilise European Union funding to the benefit of the people of Wales.


Amendment 4 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Add as a new point at the end of motion:


Notes that the negotiations on the next round of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy are at a critical phase and calls on the Welsh Government to use its influence to ensure that the long term national interest, rather than short term political expediency, determines the approach to the overall European Union budget.


Amendment 5 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Add as new point at end of motion:


Welcomes the UK Government’s commitment to freeze the European Union budget at a sustainable level and deliver the best deal for Welsh taxpayers.


Amendment 6 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Add as new point at end of motion:


Believes Welsh interests in European Union budget negotiations are best served by being a member of the United Kingdom.


Amendment 7 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Add as new point at end of motion:


Urges the Welsh Government to make full use of future structural funds to develop a strong and sustainable Welsh economy.


The item started at 15.55


Voting on the motion and amendments under this item was deferred until Voting Time.


A vote was taken on the motion without amendment:


NDM5099 Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Recognises the vital importance of the budget of the European Union for the future of the Common Agricultural Policy and regional funds; and


2. Calls on the Welsh Government to make representations to the UK Government not to promote or agree to any reduction in the European budget which will have an adverse impact on Wales and on our ability to strengthen the Welsh economy.










The motion without amendment was agreed.

(60 mins)


Welsh Liberal Democrats Debate


NDM5097 Aled Roberts (North Wales)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


Calls on the Welsh Government to establish a system that allows the Ministerial Code to be policed independently of the Welsh Government and the National Assembly for Wales.


The following amendment has been tabled:


Amendment 1 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Insert at the end of motion:


‘, with a clear timetable for consultation and implementation’


The item started at 16:55


Voting on the motion and amendment under this item was deferred until Voting Time.


A vote was taken on the motion without amendment:


NDM5097 Aled Roberts (North Wales)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


Calls on the Welsh Government to establish a system that allows the Ministerial Code to be policed independently of the Welsh Government and the National Assembly for Wales.










As required by Standing Order 6.20 the Deputy Presiding Officer exercised his casting vote by voting against the motion without amendment. Therefore, the motion without amendment was not agreed.

 The following amendment was tabled:

Amendment 1 - William Graham (South Wales East)


Insert at the end of motion:


‘, with a clear timetable for consultation and implementation’


A vote was taken on Amendment 1:










As required by Standing Order 6.20 the Deputy Presiding Officer exercised his casting vote by voting against the amendment. Therefore, the amendment was not agreed.

As the Assembly did not agree the motion without amendment, and did not agree the amendment tabled to the motion, the motion was therefore not agreed.

Voting Time

The item started at 17:32

Votes Summary

Supporting documents:

(30 mins)


Short Debate


NDM5100 Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central):


Are Local Development Plans fit for purpose?


The system needs fundamental reform if it is to deliver effective long-term guidance for planning and development in Wales.


NDM5100 Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central):


Are Local Development Plans fit for purpose?


The system needs fundamental reform if it is to deliver effective long-term guidance for planning and development in Wales.


The Short Debate was postponed by procedural motion earlier in the day’s proceedings.


Record of Proceedings

Supporting documents: