
Proposed venue: Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Tŷ Hywel. View directions

Contact: Aled Elwyn Jones (Clerk) 

No. Item


Apologies & announcements


The Presiding Officer sent her apologies as she was away on a civic engagement in Georgia.



Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes were noted by the Committee for publication.



Organisation of Business


This Week's Business


On Tuesday, Voting Time would be after the final item of business. On Wednesday, the Business Committee agreed that voting on the Queen’s Speech debate would be taken at the end of the item and all other votes would be taken before the Short Debate.


Business Managers noted a paper on the arrangements for the Secretary of State’s attendance at Plenary on Wednesday, as part of the debate on the UK Government’s legislative programme (Queen’s Speech).


Elin Jones raised concerns over naming Members and candidates in the text of a motion or amendment. Officials agreed to raise this with the Presiding Officer on her return.



Three week timetable of Government Business


Business Committee noted the 3 Week Timetable of Government Business.



Three week timetable of Assembly Business


Business Committee determined the organisation of business and agreed to schedule the following items of business:


Wednesday 2 July 2014


·         Debate on the Finance Committee’s Report on Higher Education Funding (60 mins)


·         Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (60 mins)


·         Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (60 mins)


·         Short Debate - Peter Black (South Wales West) (30 mins)





Domestic Abuse, Gender-based Violence and Sexual Violence (Wales) Bill


Business Committee agreed in principle to refer the Domestic Abuse, Gender-based Violence and Sexual Violence (Wales) Bill to the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee for Stage 1 consideration.


Business Managers agreed to defer a decision on the Bill’s timetable until two weeks’ time, to allow for consultation with the CELG.


Any Other Business

Business Managers noted a letter from the Environment and Sustainability Committee stating that they feel the content of the Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill relates more to Constitutional and Legislative Affairs and as such they do not intend reporting on the LCM.