
Assembly Member Pension Board

This page gives details of any meetings held which will, or did, discuss the matter, and includes links to the relevant Papers, Agendas and Minutes.

Note: Meeting Agenda can change at short notice. Particularly where future meeting dates are indicated more than a week in advance. Please check before planning to attend a Committee Meeting that the item you are interested in has not been moved.

Meeting: 19/09/2019 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 3)

Item for discussion/Decision: Chair of Pension Board

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 2


3.1     The Board considered the appointment of the Professional Independent Chair of the Pension Board. The appointment is for four years and the current Chair’s period of appointment will end in May 2020.

3.2     The Board considered its options including advertising for a new appointment or extending the current Chair’s appointment for a further four years.

3.3     Noting the current Chair’s performance the Board agreed to extend her for a further four year term.


Action point:

-     To notify the Clerk of the Pension Board of the Board decision to extend the current Chair’s appointment for a further four years.


Meeting: 04/07/2019 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 6)

Item for discussion: Pension consultation

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 5


6.1        The Board proposed changes to the Members’ Pension Scheme Rules following legal advice regarding potential age discrimination implications.

6.2        The Board agreed to consult on its proposals to amend the Pension Scheme Rules.

6.3        The closing date for the consultation would be 11 October 2019.


Action point:

The secretariat to :

-        issue and promote the consultation;

-        prepare a summary of the responses for the Board’s consideration at a future meeting


Meeting: 23/05/2019 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 2)

Item for decision: Pension Scheme Rules review

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 8


2.1        The Board considered recent legal advice regarding potential age discrimination implications arising from a number of provisions in the Assembly Member Pension Scheme.

2.2        As the Board is responsible for setting the rules of the Scheme, it agreed to undertake some changes to the rules ensure that they remained fit for purpose.

2.3        The Board also agreed to share its proposals with the Pension Board ahead of consulting with stakeholders on these changes later in the summer.

Meeting: 22/11/2018 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 3)

Item for decision: Members' Pension Scheme

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 11


3.1.      The Board considered the process for undertaking the cost cap valuation of the Assembly Members’ Pension Scheme.

3.2.      The Board agreed to monitor the situation.

Action point:

The secretariat to provide the Board with an update on the cost cap valuation in the new year.

Meeting: 12/10/2017 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 2)

Item for discussion: The National Assembly for Wales Members' Pension Scheme: Annual Allowance

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 14


2.1. The Board noted the implication of the tapered Annual Allowance on the level of remuneration received.

2.2. Donna Davies, Head of Pensions at the Assembly, informed the Board that Ieuan Wyn Jones (Former Plaid Cymru Assembly Member) had been nominated as the one of the Member representatives on the Pension Board in place of Gareth Jones (former Plaid Cymru Assembly Member). The Board approved the nomination.

Meeting: 11/07/2017 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 2)

Item for decision: Review of the Actuarial Valuation of the Assembly Members' Pension Scheme

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 17


2.1 The Board considered the paper on the review of the Actuarial Valuation of the Assembly Members' Pension Scheme.


2.2 The Board confirmed they were content with the higher Commission contribution rate and agreed to inform the Scheme Actuary, who has sets the Commission contribution rate.


Action point:

The secretariat to inform the Scheme Actuary of the Board’s views.

Meeting: 06/07/2016 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 6)

Item for decision: AM pensions: Consideration of roles and responsibilities relating to the Pension Scheme and Memorandum of Understanding with the Pension Board

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 20
  • Restricted enclosure 21
  • Restricted enclosure 22


6.1 The Board considered and agreed the roles and responsibilities as set out in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Board and the Pension Board


6.2 The Board noted that the new Pension Board would consider the document at its first meeting on 11 July. The document will also be counter-signed by the Chief Executive of the Assembly as Accounting Officer.


6.3 The Board agreed the demographic assumptions which will be used to set the employer cost cap for the Assembly Members’ pension scheme. The new Pension Board will consider the assumptions at its meeting on 11 July.

Meeting: 06/07/2016 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 5)

Item for decision: Appointment of Pension Board

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 25


5.1 The Board formally appointed the membership of the Pension Board for the Assembly Member Pension Scheme:


        Jill Youds (Independent Chair) – from the start of the fifth Assembly

        Gareth Jones (Former Plaid Cymru Assembly Member) – from the start of the fifth Assembly

        Mike Hedges (Labour Assembly Member) – from the start of the fifth Assembly

        Suzy Davies (Conservative Assembly Member and Assembly Commissioner)

        Director of Finance, Assembly Commission (currently vacant, to be appointed).


5.2 The Board had some reservations regarding the appointment of an Assembly Commission employee on the Pension Board, in particular if there is a scenario where they have to make individual decisions about Assembly Members. The Board agreed to seek assurances from the Commission about this approach.


Action points:


        Head of Pensions to formally notify the Assembly Commission of the Board’s appointment.

        The Board agreed to write to the Assembly Commission Chief Executive and Clerk regarding the Assembly Commission’s representation on the Board.


Meeting: 06/07/2016 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 2)

Introduction to the Independent Chair of the Pension Board

Meeting: 24/03/2016 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 5)

Item for decision: AM pensions: Consideration of roles and responsibilities relating to the Pension Scheme

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 30


5.1        The Board considered a paper clarifying the roles and responsibilities in relation to the new Pension Scheme as a basis for a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Pensions Board and the Remuneration Board.


5.2        The Board noted the roles and responsibilities and the Memorandum of Understanding and confirmed that it was satisfied with how the role of the Remuneration Board will be exercised in practice.


5.3        The Board agreed that the Government Actuary Department and the new Pension Board should be invited to comment on the MoU and roles and responsibilities.


5.4         The Board also noted that a paper on the cost cap valuations would be brought to the Board for consideration at its meeting in July.


Meeting: 24/03/2016 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 4)

Item for decision: AMSS pension scheme: Provision for an Independent Financial Adviser

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 33


4.1        The Board considered a paper outlining The Assembly Member Support Staff Pension Scheme presented by Donna Davies, Head of Pensions, Assembly Commission.


4.2        The Board noted that an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) is aligned to the Scheme who is currently paid by commission for the services provided and the anticipated future costs for the service, given that it would no longer be operating on this basis.


4.3         The Board considered feedback from AMSS on this service and suggestions for improvement in the support they receive on understanding their pension scheme. 


4.4        The Board noted that the Assembly Commission would shortly conduct a review of the AMSS pension scheme.


4.5         The Board agreed that the contract for the current IFA should be terminated. Instead the Board agreed that the Pensions Team in the Assembly Commission should become the main point of contact for AMSS with queries about their pension.


4.6        The Board agreed that the Pensions team should write to members and their staff explaining the change and confirming the new arrangements.


Action point:


·         Head of Pensions to keep Board informed of progress in implementing the new provision for pensions advice to AMSS.


Meeting: 10/12/2015 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 5)

AM pensions update and next steps

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 36


5.1        The Board considered an update on the work the Assembly Commission’s Pensions Team are doing to implement and communicate the 2016 changes to the Assembly Members’ Pension Scheme.

5.2        The Board discussed and agreed some outstanding issues for inclusion in the final draft of the pension scheme rules. The Board agreed a way forward and noted that final approval of the scheme will be sought from HMT early in the new year.

5.3        The Board noted that once the final scheme rules are approved by HMT, the Pensions Team will be writing to Members explaining the changes and how they affect them.

5.4        The Board discussed and agreed the approach to appointing the Chair of the new Pension Board and who should sit on the recruitment panel.

5.5        The Board agreed that Michael Redhouse would be its representative on the recruitment panel for the Chair of the new Pensions Board.

5.6        The Board noted the work the Commission’s Pensions Team is doing to review the support the Assembly Member’s Support staff are given to help them understand their choices regarding their pension. 



·         Secretariat to contact external legal advisers to amend the draft pension scheme and subsequently seek formal approval from HMT.

·         Pensions Team to share with the Board the communications to Assembly Members on the new pension scheme.

·         The Secretariat to write to all those members affected by the Board’s decision on pension abatement (Rule of 80) explaining the reasons for the Board’s decision.

·         The Secretariat to draft a letter thanking the Board of Trustees for their valuable contribution to the development of the new pension scheme rules.


Meeting: 03/07/2015 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 3)

Assembly Member pensions: Update on implementation of AM Pension scheme and impact of salary differentiation on pensions

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 39
  • Restricted enclosure 40
  • Restricted enclosure 41


3.1 The Chair welcomed Donna Davies, Head of Pensions, Assembly Commission.


3.2 The Board considered an update on the implementation of the AM pension scheme.


Appointment of an independent chair and member nominated representatives to the Pension Board

3.3 The Board discussed the merits and cost implications of procuring a company to employ an independent Chair of the Board of Trustees, given the size of the pension scheme.


3.4 The Board agreed that the Independent Chair must demonstrate experience and have a background in pensions administration.


AMSS pension scheme – Independent Financial Adviser


3.5 The Board considered a paper on the AMSS pension scheme and the administrators’ recommendation to conduct a review of the scheme.


3.6 The Board agreed that the administrators should conduct a review of the existing provision for AMSS pension arrangements and whether they were fit for purpose.


Impact of salary differentiation on pension scheme


3.7 The Board considered a paper on the implications of salary differentiation on the AM pension scheme.


Meeting: 22/05/2015 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 4)

Assembly Member pensions: Review

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 44


3.1 The Chair welcomed Donna Davies, Head of Pensions, Assembly Commission.


3.2 The Board noted how the pension scheme would be implemented by the administrators.


3.3 The Board noted the progress in preparing a new pension scheme for Assembly Members in the Fifth Assembly.


3.4 The Board agreed that a paper should be brought to the meeting on 3 July explaining in more detail the process for appointments to the Pensions Board


Action point:

·         AM pension administrators to return to the Board with an update on the implementation of the pension arrangements and appointments to the Pensions Board at the meeting on 3 July 2015.


Meeting: 24/04/2015 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 3)

Assembly Members pensions: Review

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 47
  • Restricted enclosure 48


3.1 The Board noted the progress in preparing a new pension scheme for Assembly Members in the Fifth Assembly.



3.2  The Chair thanked Mary Carter and Stuart Castledine whose input has been greatly valued in designing the new pension scheme for Assembly Members.


3.3  The Board considered the GAD Actuarial Valuation Report which the Pension Trustees had provided for information.


3.4 The Board agreed that it would like assurance that the scheme administrators were preparing for the implementation of the new pension scheme.


3.5 The Board noted comments raised by the Board of Trustees of the AM pension scheme.


3.6 The Board agreed that the section on transitional arrangements for office holders during dissolution of the Assembly should be removed from the Determination for Assembly Members 2015-16.


Action points:

  • Write to Chair of the Board of Trustees requesting clarity on the process around the valuation of the pension scheme.
  • Write to the Chair of the Board of Trustees responding to their comments on the latest draft of the pension scheme rules.
  • Invite the administrators of the AM pension scheme to attend the next Board meeting to discuss the process to implement the pension scheme.


Meeting: 28/11/2014 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 5)

Assembly Member Pension arrangements

• Wragge & Co: Draft pension scheme rules – Paper 6

• Correspondence from the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the AM pension scheme – Paper 7

• GAD advice to the Trustees on the PSPA – Paper 8

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 51
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5.1 The Chair welcomed Paul Carberry, Hannah Beacham and Kevin Milton to the meeting and invited them to introduce the new draft pension scheme rules for Assembly Members in the Fifth Assembly.


5.2 The Board discussed the new pension scheme rules and agreed to make amendments.


5.3 The Board will agree the pension scheme rules for inclusion in the consultation on the Determination for the Fifth Assembly in the spring term.


Meeting: 16/10/2014 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 6)

Assembly Member Pensions: Best governance in implementing the pension scheme

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 58


6.1 The Board discussed the make-up of a future Pension Board and the key aspects of the role of an Independent Chair.  

Meeting: 29/08/2014 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 2)

Assembly Member Pension arrangements

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 61
  • Restricted enclosure 62
  • Restricted enclosure 63


2.1 The Chair welcomed Paul Carberry and Kevin Milton from Wragge & Co to the meeting.


2.2 The Board considered each response to the consultation, which was issued in July 2014.


2.3 The Board noted the response from Welsh Liberal Democrats, which indicated that the Group were content with the Board’s proposals.

2.4 The Board considered comments from other respondents and agreed to respond to them individually.

2.5 Wragge & Co stated that they were ready to start preparing the draft scheme rules and that they could do so without further information from GAD on the level of employer cost cap.

2.6 The Board requested that Wragge & Co discuss the initial draft of the AM pension scheme with Mary and Stuart to inform the meeting on 28 November 2014.

2.7 The Board felt it was critical that there be a professional independent Chair of the board, in addition to the employer and employee reps. The Board agreed they would take responsibility for appointing the independent Chair – Wragge & Co advised that this could be built into the scheme rules.

2.8 There needs to be a clear definition of the roles and responsibilities of a pension board member.

2.9 It was noted that the Remuneration Board was the “responsible authority” for the purposes of PSPA.

2.10 The Board agreed to discuss employer representation with the Commission at the meeting in November. The Board agreed that it would be critical for the pension board members/Trustees of the scheme to have appropriate training for the role.

2.11 The Board agreed that the pension board should comprise of five members [2+2+1]

2.12 It was noted that the new pension board would replace the existing Board of Trustees. There would need to be a robust transfer of assets during the transition.

2.13 The Board agreed that the governance arrangements of the scheme would need to be transparent, fair and equitable to the public and Assembly Members.

Action points:

·         Staff to prepare responses to letters from the Labour Group and the AM pension Trustees addressing the points they raise. The letter should provide clarity on:

-       Provisions for Death in Service;

-       The Scheme Operation;

-       Details comparing the Board’s proposals for Acrual Rate with the scheme implemented by IPSA in Westminster (this must also be included in any communications strategy);

-       The Board’s stance on Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs); and

-       The contribution split.

·         Staff to contact HMT to discuss their view of how a light touch approach to the PSPA requirements could be implemented in practice and whether any changes have occurred following the Reform of Funded Public Body Pension Schemes. Depending on the outcome of the discussions, it might be necessary to arrange a meeting which would include the external Legal Advisers.

·         Staff to invite Stuart Castledine to attend the next AM representative group meeting.

·         In order to get a sense of how the contribution split in the proposed pension scheme would work in reality, the Board requested further information on the financial consequences of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2

Meeting: 19/06/2014 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 3)

Issues for decision and conclusion: Pensions

·        Review of work to date and summary of responses to consultation – Paper 10, Annex

·        Consideration of consultation document on AM pension arrangements – Paper 11, Annex

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 66
  • Restricted enclosure 67
  • Restricted enclosure 68
  • Restricted enclosure 69
  • Restricted enclosure 70
  • Restricted enclosure 71




3.1 The Chair welcomed Mark Packham, Director, HRS Pensions, PwC to the meeting.


3.2 The Board considered a paper outlining work to date and a summary of the responses to the consultation conducted by the Board in April 2014.


3.3 The Board agreed to respond to the questions posed by the Board of Trustees of Assembly Members pensions.


3.4 The Board considered the draft consultation document on AM pension arrangements.




3.5        Action: Assembly Commission staff to request that GAD produce an early estimate of the past service deficit and past service contributions for the 2014 valuation based on latest membership data and assumptions. 


3.6        Action: Assembly Commission staff to arrange a meeting between the Chair and the Chair of the Trustees of the Assembly pension scheme to discuss valuations and to request from GAD that the results on valuations are on two bases: CPI+3 and CPI +2.5.


3.7        The Board requested that the assumptions should be as flexible as possible, as a large deficit could make the new scheme look unaffordable.


3.8        It was important that there be clear triggers in the new scheme enabling change to benefits in the future.


3.9        Any communications on the new scheme should be expressed in terms of total cash contributions, split between past service contributions and future contributions.


3.10     The Board agreed that Death in Service should be x2 salary and survivor benefits to be 50% of annual pension.


3.11     The Board agreed that the qualification date for transitional protection should be 2012.


3.12     The Board agreed not to offer 10 years protection due to the numbers of AMs that work beyond NRA.


3.13     Action: The Board requested that Commission staff seek a quote from an insurance provider for insuring Death in Service in the AM pension scheme. 


3.14     Owing to the cost of transitional protection and in order to provide benefits which are reasonably equitable between older and younger scheme members, the Remuneration Board agreed not to propose additional tapering of the transitional provisions.


3.15     The Board agreed that the consultation should include the rationale for decisions made by the Board, specifically on total cost, compliance and a better balance between member and employer costs.


3.16     The Board agreed that it should be explained that responses to the previous consultation have informed this phase of the public consultation.


3.17     Action: The Board requested that Commission staff prepare calculations to illustrate how the proposed pension scheme may operate in practice.


3.18     The Board requested that there be clear dialogue with HM Treasury on a potential cost cap and how it could have an impact on a small, highly sensitive scheme, such as the AM pension scheme.


3.19     The Board noted that the consultation would be issued as soon as possible and that responses would be received in time to inform discussion at the Board meeting on 29 August.


3.20     Action: The secretariat would amend the consultation document to include comments raised by the Board and circulate it outside Board meetings for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3

Meeting: 09/04/2014 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 1.)

Consultation on future pension arrangements for Assembly Members - April 2014

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 74

Meeting: 21/03/2014 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 3)

Issues for decision and consultation: Pensions

·         Review of work to date – Paper 5

·         Governance Arrangements for AM pensions – Paper 6




·         Final legal report from Wragge & Co – Paper 7

·         Agree final consultation documents and consultees - Paper 8

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 76
  • Restricted enclosure 77
  • Restricted enclosure 78
  • Restricted enclosure 79


Review of work to date


3.1     The Board discussed its progress on implementing suitable pension arrangements for AM pensions for the Fifth Assembly, and agreed a public consultation document, which would be published in April. This would be the first of a two-part consultation, seeking views from stakeholders on the overall design of the scheme. A second consultation later in the year will seek views on a more detailed scheme.


Governance Arrangements for AM pensions


3.2     The Board considered a paper prepared by the Research Service and agreed to consult with Trustees on governance arrangements for the new scheme.


Final legal report from Wragge & Co


3.3     The Board welcomed Paul Carberry, Director, and Hannah Beacham, Senior Solicitor, Human Resources Group, Wragge & Co. to the meeting.

3.4     The Board considered the final legal report from Wragge & Co and agreed its content.

Final consultation documents and consultees

3.5     The Board discussed the draft consultation documents on Members’ pension arrangements, which was provided by Carys Evans and Richard Bettley. The Board agreed that the consultation on pensions could be issued following minor amendments suggested by Mary and Stuart.

Meeting: 31/01/2014 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 4)


·         Review of work to date – Paper 4a

·         Consideration of proposals for a new scheme – Papers 4b & 4c

·         Options for consultation  - Paper 4d

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 82
  • Restricted enclosure 83
  • Restricted enclosure 84
  • Restricted enclosure 85


Review of work to date (Paper 4a)


4.1     The Board noted the work to date on the implementation of new pension arrangements for Assembly Members.


Consideration of proposals for a new scheme (Paper 4b & 4c)


4.2     The Chair welcomed Paul Carberry and Hannah Beacham from
Wragge & Co and invited them to introduce their draft of the legal report on proposed pension arrangements for Assembly Members from April 2015.


4.3     The Chair also welcomed Mark Packham from PwC and invited him to introduce the initial actuarial advice report.

The Board questioned Wragge & Co and PwC on their reports.



·         The Secretariat would discuss governance arrangements for any proposed pension scheme with the legal advisers.


Options for consultation (Paper 4d)


4.4     The Board noted a paper prepared by Carys Evans and Richard Bettley proposing options for the Board’s consultation on Members’ pension arrangements. 


4.5     The Board discussed consultation options, including which stakeholders to consult and the method and structure of the consultation, which would take place in May 2014.

Meeting: 14/11/2013 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 4)

AM Pensions - Discuss next steps


4.1     The Board reflected on the discussion with Wragge & Co and discussed the next steps in the process to deliver pension arrangements for Assembly Members.


4.2     The Board formally appointed PwC as actuarial advisers on pension arrangements for Assembly Members and noted that a meeting would take place with PwC representatives by the end of November.


4.3     The Board agreed to request from PwC that they calculate employer/employee contribution rates.




·         Secretariat to contact the Welsh Government requesting the advice provided by Wragge & Co in relation to the future of the major public service pension in Wales;

·         Secretariat to consider the legal implications of the Equality Impact Assessment and respond to Wragge & Co;

·         Secretariat to prepare a note on the consequences of funding ceilings in pension schemes;

·         Secretariat to arrange a meeting with HM Treasury as soon as possible.

Meeting: 14/11/2013 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 3)

AM Pensions - Briefing from appointed legal advisers

·         Paper 3 – advice from appointed legal firm

·         Paper 4 – tender document from appointed legal firm

·         Paper 5 – PwC Method statement – actuarial advice

·         Paper 6 - Strawman principal terms of proposed new pension scheme

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 90
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  • Restricted enclosure 94
  • Restricted enclosure 95


3.1 The Interim Chair welcomed Paul Carberry, Lead Partner; Helen Beacham, Senior Solicitor, Human Resources Group; and Kevin Milton, Associate Solicitor from Wragge & Co. They introduced their proposals for delivering pension arrangements for Assembly Members.


3.2     The Board questioned Wragge & Co on their proposals.


3.3     The Board agreed that the Wragge & Co proposals and emphasised that any proposed pension scheme would be a small scheme.


3.4     The Board would seek advice on undertaking an Equality Impact Assessment of any proposals would need to be undertaken.


3.5     The Remuneration Board noted that the PSPA contained Transitional protections over 10 years and agreed they would explore the appropriateness of this timescale given the length of Assembly terms. It was noted that IPSA had selected a 10 year transitional protection for MPs.


3.6     The Board noted the issues list provided by Wragge & Co and agreed that it was an accurate reflection of the issues to date.


3.7     Wragge & Co agreed to brief the Board on the conclusions of the report on MPs expenses, which was expected to be published by IPSA towards the end of 2013.


3.8     Wragge & Co agreed to provide the Board with questions which could be answered by HM Treasury.

Meeting: 14/11/2013 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 2)

AM Pensions - Review of work to date

·         Paper 2 – Note from Commission staff

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 98


2.1     Following a thorough and robust procurement process, the Remuneration Board selected Wragge & Co at its meeting on 30 October to provide legal advice on pension arrangements for Assembly Members.


2.2     The Board considered a method statement provided by PwC and formally appointed them to provide actuarial advice on pension arrangements for Assembly Members.


2.3     The Board noted that the Government Actuary’s Department (GAD) had been confirmed to cost any proposals.


2.4     The Board agreed that Mary and Stuart should continue to lead the work on pension arrangements to ensure that progress could be made between board meetings.


2.5     The Board agreed that they would need to meet with HM Treasury officials to seek greater clarity on certain areas, including governance.

Meeting: 21/06/2013 - Remuneration Board (2010 - 2020) (Item 4)


·         Paper 4 - Next steps

-        Annex A: Responses

-        Annex B: PwC Report

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 101
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23.     The Board discussed the Review of AM pensions, and acknowledged that it would, no doubt in part be guided by the IPSA consultation in Westminster which was expected later in the month.


24.     Board Members discussed the implication of the Public Service Pensions Act 2013 for its consideration of future pension arrangements for Assembly Members.


25.     The Board considered the processes and timings which the Review would entail and the preliminary work it would need to undertake. As an initial course of action, the Board undertook to:

i)        Update the Assembly’s Pensions Trustees on the Board’s proposed plans and discuss the likely cost of the required legal advice and contingencies to be made. It would also discuss the suggestion of the use of the Government procurement scheme in possible conjunction with a tender exercise.

ii)       Write to the Treasury to set out its initial intentions for the Review and clarify matters relating to Treasury approval for any new scheme should they decide to take this route.

iii)      Undertake procurement exercised to appoint actuarial and legal advisers over the summer recess with a view to them attending the next Board meeting in the Autumn.  This would include liaising with the Trustees about the extent to which the Board might be able to work with the Government Actuary’s Department, who were the adviser to the Trustees of the current scheme.