
Assembly Commission Budget 2014-15

This page gives details of any meetings held which will, or did, discuss the matter, and includes links to the relevant Papers, Agendas and Minutes.

Note: Meeting Agenda can change at short notice. Particularly where future meeting dates are indicated more than a week in advance. Please check before planning to attend a Committee Meeting that the item you are interested in has not been moved.

Meeting: 20/04/2015 - Senedd Commission Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (Item 8)

Budget update 14-15

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 2


  ACARAC (27) Paper 11 – Budget update

8.1           Nicola updated the Committee on the fraud incident and would continue to do so as the case progressed. 

8.2           The budget was on track to meet financial targets.  At the request of the committee, Nicola agreed to look into the VfM analysis and targets. 


-        Examine the VfM analysis and targets. 


Meeting: 25/02/2015 - Finance Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 8)

8 Assembly Commission Supplementary Budget 2014-15

Supporting documents:


8.1     The Committee considered the Assembly Commission Supplementary Budget 2014-15.

Meeting: 09/02/2015 - Senedd Commission Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (Item 9)

2014-15 Budget update

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 12


9.1        The Committee congratulated Nicola on the budget position and highlighted the Value for Money savings and prompt payment performance results. 

9.2        Nicola informed members that a Supplementary Budget had been laid on the 2 February to cover the shortfall in the Assembly Members’ pension fund.  The Chair of the Finance Committee had requested further information on the capital element of the budget and Nicola was preparing a response.   


Meeting: 16/07/2014 - Finance Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 Assembly Commission Draft Budget 2014-15

FIN(4)-14-14(paper 1)

Research Brief


Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM – Assembly Commissioner with responsibility for the Commission’s official language functions and policy, legal services and Freedom of Information

Craig Stephenson - Interim Director of Commission Services, National Assembly for Wales

Nicola Callow – Head of Finance, National Assembly for Wales

Supporting documents:


3.1 The Committee took evidence from Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM, Assembly Commissioner with responsibility for the Commission’s official language functions and policy, legal services and Freedom of Information, Craig Stephenson - Interim Director of Commission Services, National Assembly for Wales and Nicola Callow – Director of Finance, National Assembly for Wales on the Assembly Commission Draft Budget 2014-15.

Meeting: 16/07/2014 - Finance Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 4)

Assembly Commission Draft Budget 2014-15

Research Brief


Peter Black AM – Assembly Commissioner with responsibility for ICT, broadcasting and e-democracy; the Assembly estate and sustainability

Dave Tosh – Director of ICT, National Assembly for Wales

Nicola Callow – Head of Finance, National Assembly for Wales



4.1 The Committee took evidence from Peter Black AM, Assembly Commissioner with responsibility for ICT, broadcasting and e-democracy; the Assembly estate and sustainability, Dave Tosh – Director of ICT, National Assembly for Wales and Nicola Callow – Director of Finance, National Assembly for Wales on the Assembly Commission Draft Budget 2014-15.

Meeting: 27/11/2013 - Finance Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 4)

4 Assembly Commission Draft Budget 2014-15: Letter from Angela Burns AM


Supporting documents:

Meeting: 20/11/2013 - Plenary - Fourth Assembly (Item 5.)

Motion to approve the Assembly Commission's Budget 2014/15

NDM5361 Angela Burns (Carmarthen West & South Pembrokeshire)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales in accordance with Standing Order 20.16:


Agrees the budget of the Assembly Commission for  2014-15, as specified in Table 1 of the “National Assembly for Wales Assembly Commission Budget 2014-15”, laid before the Assembly on 13 November 2013 and that it be incorporated in the Annual Budget Motion under Standing Order 20.26 (ii).


Supporting documents:

Assembly Commission Budget document

Finance Committee’s Report



The item started at 14.56

NDM5361 Angela Burns (Carmarthen West & South Pembrokeshire)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales in accordance with Standing Order 20.16:

Agrees the budget of the Assembly Commission for  2014-15, as specified in Table 1 of the “National Assembly for Wales Assembly Commission Budget 2014-15”, laid before the Assembly on 13 November 2013 and that it be incorporated in the Annual Budget Motion under Standing Order 20.26 (ii).

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

Meeting: 17/10/2013 - Senedd Commission (Item 4)

Draft Budget - Finance Committee Report

paper 4 and annexes


The Commission’s budget for 2014-15 was laid for consideration by the Assembly at the end of September.

Commissioners had agreed that the budget should be based on the £50.598m sum, as set out in the previous two years’ approved budget documents, which were scrutinised by the Assembly’s Finance Committee in October 2011 and 2012.

2014-15 would be the final year of the Commission’s three-year investment plan for the budget. The budget proposal for 2014-15 was precisely in line with that set out in the previous two years’ approved budgets.


Angela Burns AM, Claire Clancy and Nicola Callow had given evidence to the Assembly’s Finance Committee on 3 October.

The Finance Committee’s report, which had been produced in response to the draft budget and evidence, had:

-       been generally supportive of the Commission's draft budget proposals; welcomed the Commission’s approach to reporting on performance through Key Performance Indicators;

-       expressed some concerns about the Commission’s ability to achieve some of its aims in relation to Official Languages, the ICT strategy and its carbon reduction targets;

-        recommended that individual Members of the Committee be assigned to work closely with and scrutinise the Commission’s work on ICT and Official Languages.


Commissioners discussed the report. It was agreed that additional information regarding the ICT strategy would be included in the draft budget document. The Commission would respond to the Committee:

-       highlighting the fact that the Commission would be targeting resources towards its priority areas for innovation and investment (official languages, ICT and engaging with young people);

-       emphasising the responsibilities of the Commission under the Government of Wales Act 2006 and the strong governance arrangements that are in place to ensure probity, accountability and value for money, and to hold the Commission to account;

-       suggesting that the involvement of Finance Committee Members in monitoring individual strands of work would cut across proper lines of accountability and the responsibilities of the Commission under the Government of Wales Act 2006;

-     proposing that Commissioners would be happy to give evidence to the Committee during the year on any matter of particular interest, which would give opportunities for further scrutiny of Commission activities and expenditure.


Changes would be made to the draft budget document to reflect the Commission’s response to the Committee’s recommendations. The response would be sent to the Chair of the Committee the following week. The budget would be laid before the Assembly in November, with the debate and vote on this expected later in November.

The next meeting would be held on 11 November when the Commission would be considering the support available to the Assembly's Committees.


Meeting: 09/10/2013 - Finance Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

Consideration of draft report on the Assembly Commission draft budget 2014-15

FIN(4)-16-13 Paper 1

Supporting documents:


3.1 Peter Black AM absented himself for this item due to his role as a Member of the Assembly Commission.


3.2 The Committee considered and agreed the draft report.

Meeting: 03/10/2013 - Finance Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 6)

Consideration of Evidence Received


6.1 The Committee discussed the evidence received on the Assembly Commission’s draft budget 2014-2015.


6.2 The Committee discussed the evidence on the Public Service Ombudsman’s draft estimate.


6.3 Draft reports on both budgets will be considered by the Committee at forthcoming meetings.

Meeting: 03/10/2013 - Finance Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Scrutiny of the Assembly Commission Draft Budget 2014-2015

FIN(4)-15-13 (Paper 1)

FIN(4)-15-13 (Paper 2)


Angela Burns AM, Commissioner

Claire Clancy, Chief Executive and Clerk to the Assembly

Nicola Callow, Head of Finance

Supporting documents:


2.1 Peter Black AM absented himself for this item due to his role as a Member of the Assembly Commission.


2.2 Members scrutinised Angela Burns AM, Commissioner; Claire Clancy, Chief Executive and Clerk to the Assembly; and Nicola Callow, Head of Finance on the draft Assembly Commission budget.


2.3 The Committee asked Angela Burns AM to provide further information on the figures for ICT investment and the areas in which this money would be invested.


2.4 The Committee asked Angela Burns AM to provide a note on the number of requests to visit the Assembly from schools which are turned down, including a geographical breakdown of this information.

Meeting: 18/07/2013 - Senedd Commission (Item 2)

Draft Budget 2014-15

paper 2 & annexes


The Commission’s budget for 2014-15 will be laid for consideration by the Assembly no later than 1 October. At the 16 May meeting Commissioners had agreed that the budget should be based on the £50.598m sum as set out in the previous two years’ approved budget documents which were scrutinised by the Assembly’s Finance Committee in October 2011 and 2012.

2014-15 will be the final year of the Commission’s three-year investment plan for the budget. Commissioners were pleased with progress on the budget document and happy with the presentation. They made some suggestions about the detailed budget information in Annex 1. Mair Barnes asked for greater clarity about the level of ICT costs in 2014-15 and beyond.

A briefing note had been prepared to inform Commissioners’ discussions with party groups. Angela Burns and Nicola Callow would be available to discuss the budget with groups and individual Members.

The budget will be finalised at the next Commission meeting in September prior to being laid. Commissioners agreed not to publish the papers.

Action: Officials to finalise the budget to reflect Commissioners’ views in line with discussions for consideration at the Commission’s meeting in September.

Meeting: 16/05/2013 - Senedd Commission (Item 2)

Commission Budget Strategy 2014-15

paper 2



The Commission’s budget for 2014-15 will be published in September for consideration by the Assembly. Commissioners agreed that the budget be prepared in accordance with assumptions as laid out in the paper.  The budget will be based on the £50.598m sum  as set out in the previous two years’ approved budget documents. These were scrutinised by the Assembly’s Finance Committee in October 2011 and 2012.

Action: Officials to prepare the budget in line with discussions for consideration at the Commission’s 18 July meeting.