
P-04-445 : Save our Welsh cats & dogs from death on the roads

This page gives details of any meetings held which will, or did, discuss the matter, and includes links to the relevant Papers, Agendas and Minutes.

Note: Meeting Agenda can change at short notice. Particularly where future meeting dates are indicated more than a week in advance. Please check before planning to attend a Committee Meeting that the item you are interested in has not been moved.

Meeting: 12/07/2016 - Petitions Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

4 P-04-445 Save Our Welsh Cats & Dogs From Death on the Roads

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and, given that the petition was first considered over 3 years ago and there is little likelihood of the policy being changed in the near future, agreed to close it.

Meeting: 22/09/2015 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 P-04-445 Save our Welsh cats & dogs from death on the roads

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to ask the Deputy Minister to inform the Committee once arrangements for the literature review have been finalised. 

Meeting: 09/12/2014 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 P-04-445 Save our Welsh cats & dogs from death on the roads

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to:


  • pass the petitioner’s further comments to the Minister for information; and
  • keep a watching brief on the petition until the review of the regulations has concluded. 


Meeting: 07/10/2014 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 P-04-445 Save our Welsh cats & dogs from death on the roads

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to pass the petitioner’s further comments and invitation to the Minister and her officials and ask to be kept informed of developments.

Meeting: 13/05/2014 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 6)

6 P-04-445 Save our Welsh cats & dogs from death on the roads

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and given the Committee’s workload and Members’ other commitments agreed to decline the invitation but in doing so, pass the invitation to the Minister and ask that he or his officials consider the invitation as part of their review of the legislation in this area.

Meeting: 04/02/2014 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 P-04-445 Save our Welsh cats & dogs from death on the roads

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to:


·         keep a watching brief until the review of the current regulations; and

·         forward to the Minister copies of all responses received from the petitioner and stakeholders during the consideration of the petition to help aid the review.


Meeting: 10/12/2013 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 P-04-445 Save our Welsh cats & dogs from death on the roads

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to:


·         ask the Minister to keep the petitioner informed of the start of and progress on the review due to start in summer 2014; and

·         write to the RSPCA asking them for their views on the petitioner’s response of 23 November to their letter.

Meeting: 26/11/2013 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 4)

4 P-04-445 Save our Welsh cats & dogs from death on the roads

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to defer the petition to a future meeting, to enable the Committee time to consider the petitioners views on the RSPCA’s letter.

Meeting: 02/07/2013 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 4)

4 P-04-445 Save our Welsh cats & dogs from death on the roads

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to write to the Minister for Natural Resources and Food highlighting that CAWC are supportive of the petition aims and asking if further consideration will be taken on this issue.

Meeting: 19/03/2013 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 P-04-445 Save our Welsh cats & dogs from death on the roads

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to write to the Companion Animal Welfare Council seeking their views on the petition.


Meeting: 15/01/2013 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 P-04-445 Save our Welsh cats & dogs from death on the roads

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development seeking his views on the petition, and asking whether the legislation is effective and if he intends to hold a review on it.