
P-04-415 Support for Designation of Highly Protected Marine Conservation Zones

This page gives details of any meetings held which will, or did, discuss the matter, and includes links to the relevant Papers, Agendas and Minutes.

Note: Meeting Agenda can change at short notice. Particularly where future meeting dates are indicated more than a week in advance. Please check before planning to attend a Committee Meeting that the item you are interested in has not been moved.

Meeting: 08/10/2013 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 P-04-415 Support for Designation of Highly Protected Marine Conservation Zones

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to close it in light of the Minister’s recent statement.

Meeting: 24/09/2013 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 P-04-415 Support for Designation of Highly Protected Marine Conservation Zones

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to close P-04-406 and P-04-411 in light of the Minister’s recent statement; but keep P-04-415 open until Members have had a chance to consider recent correspondence provided by the petitioner.


Meeting: 16/04/2013 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 P-04-415 Support for Designation of Highly Protected Marine Conservation Zones

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to;


·         share with the Minister for Natural Resources and Food the petitioner’s responses, highlighting that both sides have significant concerns about the consultation process, and ask what lessons have been learnt for future consultation exercises; and

·         await the findings of the MCZ Task and Finish Group.


Meeting: 15/01/2013 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 P-04-415 Support for Designation of Highly Protected Marine Conservation Zones

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered the three petitions and agreed to;

Write to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development asking; that the Committee be kept informed of the work of the Task and Finish Group, provide more information on the subsequent consultation and ask that the petitioners for all three petitions are involved in any consultation;

Write to the petitioners asking if they feel they have had sufficient opportunity to engage with the consultation process.


Meeting: 02/10/2012 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 P-04-415 Support for Designation of Highly Protected Marine Conservation Zones

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered this petition for the first time and agreed to:

Group this petition with the other petitions on the same subject;

Write to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development to make him aware of this petition and to ask him to keep the Committee informed of his thinking regarding the next steps.