
P-06-1363 Save our Fire and Rescue Service

This page gives details of any meetings held which will, or did, discuss the matter, and includes links to the relevant Papers, Agendas and Minutes.

Note: Meeting Agenda can change at short notice. Particularly where future meeting dates are indicated more than a week in advance. Please check before planning to attend a Committee Meeting that the item you are interested in has not been moved.

Meeting: 15/01/2024 - Petitions Committee (Item 3)

3 P-06-1363 Save our Fire and Rescue Service

Supporting documents:


Jack Sargeant MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:


He has written to North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority regarding this issue affecting his constituency.


The Committee considered the petition and noted the positive news that the stations of Rhyl and Deeside have not been downgraded following the consultation, and the current level of cover is set to continue.  In light of this Members agreed close the petition and congratulate the petitioner and all those who supported the campaign.

Meeting: 09/10/2023 - Petitions Committee (Item 4)

4 P-06-1363 Save our Fire and Rescue Service

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write to the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority regarding the petition to ask for its timetable to responding to the consultation and other issues raised by Members. It will also reconsider the petition once the Welsh Government’s response is received.