
Forward Work Programme - Chairs' Forum

This page gives details of any meetings held which will, or did, discuss the matter, and includes links to the relevant Papers, Agendas and Minutes.

Note: Meeting Agenda can change at short notice. Particularly where future meeting dates are indicated more than a week in advance. Please check before planning to attend a Committee Meeting that the item you are interested in has not been moved.

Meeting: 25/03/2021 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 3.)

Consideration of draft legacy report

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 2

Meeting: 11/02/2021 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 4.)

Discussion of pre-election recess and committees; and impact of the pandemic on current resourcing of committee work

Meeting: 11/02/2021 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 3.)

Legacy discussion

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 5

Meeting: 07/02/2018 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 6.)


Meeting: 12/07/2017 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 1.)

1. Minutes of the previous meeting

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 12/07/2017 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 5.)


Meeting: 12/07/2017 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 4.)

Items for next meeting

-        Digital News and Information Taskforce report

-        Public engagement update – Chairs are invited to confirm what they would like this item to focus on

Meeting: 12/07/2017 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 3.)

3. Budget scrutiny

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 12/07/2017 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 2.)

2. Brexit

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 12/07/2016 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 3.)

Priorities for the Forum

Objective: to agree priorities to inform future agenda items.

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 19
  • Restricted enclosure 20
  • Restricted enclosure 21