
Assembly Commission Budget 2015-16

This page gives details of any meetings held which will, or did, discuss the matter, and includes links to the relevant Papers, Agendas and Minutes.

Note: Meeting Agenda can change at short notice. Particularly where future meeting dates are indicated more than a week in advance. Please check before planning to attend a Committee Meeting that the item you are interested in has not been moved.

Meeting: 03/11/2014 - Senedd Commission (Item 2)

Finance Committee report and budget sign off

paper 2



Commissioners considered the Finance Committee report on the Commission’s draft budget and agreed responses to the recommendations that the Committee had made.

The Commission addressed the recommendations to publish a breakdown on the estimated pre-election funds and to publish Corporate Performance Indicators by adding information to the budget document.

Commissioners accepted the point made by the Finance Committee about considering options for utilising the travel subsidy for train travel as well as coach travel, in relation to Schools and Youth engagement. They asked officials to continue to ensure that the subsidy is available across all geographical areas of Wales. They added a commitment to a full review before the end of the year.  This review will cover all youth engagement, not just through schools.

Commissioners welcomed the Committee’s recommendation to pursue opportunities to purchase the freehold of Tŷ Hywel and have added a point to the budget document.

The Commission agreed to update the Committee on planning for the Fifth Assembly particularly the planning for dealing with new financial powers and asked the CEO to write to the Finance Committee once plans are further advanced.

Commissioners approved the final Budget for 2015-16 and agreed for it to be laid on 12 November 2014, with a view to a debate taking place in Plenary on 19 November 2014.  This would ensure that the timetable to include the Commission’s budget figures in the Welsh Government’s Annual Budget motion, planned for December, can be met.

Meeting: 08/10/2014 - Finance Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 5)

Consideration of draft report on the Assembly Commission draft budget 2015-16

FIN(4)-17-14 Paper 3

Supporting documents:


5.1 Peter Black AM absented himself for this item due to his role as a member of the Assembly Commission.


5.2 The Committee considered and agreed the draft report.

Meeting: 02/10/2014 - Finance Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 8)

Assembly Commission Draft Budget 2015-16: Consideration of evidence received


8.1 The Committee considered the evidence and noted that a draft report will be prepared for consideration at the Committee meeting scheduled for 8 October 2014.

Meeting: 02/10/2014 - Finance Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 4)

4 Assembly Commission Draft Budget 2015-16

FIN(4)-16-14 Paper 2

FIN(4)-16-14 Paper 3

Research Brief


Dame Rosemary Butler AM – Presiding Officer and Commission Chair

Claire Clancy - Chief Executive and Clerk to the Assembly

Nicola Callow – Director of Finance



Supporting documents:


4.1 Peter Black AM absented himself for this item and item 8 due to his role as a Member of the Assembly Commission.


4.2 Members scrutinised Dame Rosemary Butler AM, Presiding Officer and Commission Chair, Claire Clancy, Chief Executive and Clerk to the Assembly, and Nicola Callow, Director of Finance on the draft Assembly Commission budget 2015-16.


4.3 The Presiding Officer agreed to raise at the next meeting of the Business Committee the issue of ushers collecting Members’ notes from the Chamber to help with the Record of Proceedings and also committed to investigating the possibility of alternative travel options for educational visits from schools.


4.4 Claire Clancy agreed to look into the copyright issues relating to the Carbon Trust report and make it available to Members if possible and provide the Committee with information on who owns Ty Hywel.

Meeting: 17/09/2014 - Senedd Commission (Item 2)

2015-15 Draft Budget

paper 2


The draft budget document, previously considered at the July Commission meeting, had been updated.  As anticipated, further information had been included on the expected increased cost of the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme for Commission staff, and the inclusion of indicative funding for future periods. A lower than anticipated figure for employer contributions to the PCSPS pension has been confirmed by the UK Government, removing the need for an exceptional item.

The Commissioners considered that the draft budget was entirely in line with both the needs of the Commission and the Finance Committee's expectations. Commissioners felt it will deliver a robust platform for the Fifth Assembly to work from and reflects the goals and strategic targets already agreed. Commissioners agreed the draft budget for 2015-16 and gave approval to lay the document on 25 September 2014.

The draft budget will be scrutinised by the Finance Committee on 2 October.

Meeting: 15/09/2014 - Management Board (Item 4)

Budget 2015-16 - Paper 2

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 17


Nicola Callow presented the Board with the latest draft of the Assembly Commission budget, highlighting new developments since its last review before the summer recess. These developments included a new position on the pension scheme and on indicative funding beyond 2015-16 plus an update on the investment fund for 2015-16 and future years.

Commissioners would be asked to agree the budget at their meeting on 17 September and it would be laid before the Assembly on 25 September.  It was scheduled to be scrutinised by the Finance Committee on 2 October.

Management Board agreed that the format and design were improved and provided a few comments on minor amendments and presentation.  The Board commended Nicola and finance staff across the organisation for their work on the budget.



·      Nicola Callow to check the accessibility of the document type-face with the Equality team.

·      Service Heads to provide Nicola with any further comments before the end of the day.


Meeting: 07/07/2014 - Senedd Commission (Item 2)

Draft Budget 2015-16

paper 2


In line with previous discussions, the Commissioners maintained their position that the budget for 2015-16 would be managed in accordance with changes to the Welsh block, with the exception of those items falling outside of the Commission’s control. Work would be concluded over the summer to plan for the impact of the expected increased cost of the PCSPS pension and final advice would be given to the Commission with the final draft budget in September. Commissioners’ noted that there was no further update available from the Cabinet Office.


Meeting: 08/05/2014 - Senedd Commission (Item 2)

Budget Strategy 2015-16

paper 2 parts a,b


2015-16 would be the first budget following the Commission’s three-year investment period. Commissioners had already committed to financially managing the budget in line with changes to the Welsh block.

Commissioners confirmed that the following items would be treated as exceptional items outside the control of the Commission:

-       increases to employer costs arising from the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme valuation as discussed by the Commission in February;

-       additional funding in light of decisions made by the Remuneration Board; and

-       election-related expenditure.

The Investment Board would be reviewing the exceptional items including election-related expenditure to costs were planned and managed effectively. Further information would be included on the budget pressures, strategic priorities and efficiency savings that had been achieved, particularly through significant investment such as the ICT project. It was agreed that information on income streams would also be included in the budget document.

Angela Burns and Nicola Callow were thanked for their work on the budget strategy to date.

Commissioners would discuss the draft budget again in July, prior to it being laid before the Assembly for consideration in September 2014.

Meeting: 13/02/2014 - Senedd Commission (Item 2)

Commission Budget Strategy 2015-16

paper 2


The Commission’s budget strategy during the Fourth Assembly had allowed for investment to achieve outstanding parliamentary support in facilities, services, expertise and the public interface, whilst also delivering value for money and efficiency. 2015-16 would be the final year of the Fourth Assembly and the culmination of the current Commission’s work in these areas.

It was agreed that the approach for the 2015-16 budget would follow that adopted since the start of the Fourth Assembly. It would focus on driving out inefficiency and securing value for money to allow for continued innovation and an ongoing commitment to the quality of services to Members and the public. Longer term plans and scenarios should also be considered to ease the transition for the next Commission in 2016.

Commissioners approved the Budget Strategy 2015-16, including the recommendations in section 2. Officials would develop the draft budget in line with the agreed approach for further discussion in May.