Decision details

Plaid Cymru Debate

Decision Maker: Plenary - Fourth Assembly

Status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes


Debates are one of the most frequent items of business on the Plenary agenda. Many types of debate are brought forward in Plenary, including:

  • Opposition party debates on a topic of their choice;

Other than in the case of Government debates, the time allocated for all other types of debates and their frequency are determined by the Business Committee


The item started at 16:43

Voting on the motion and amendments under this item was deferred until Voting Time.

A vote was taken on the motion without amendment:

NDM5179 Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)


This National Assembly:


1. Recognises the complex but predominantly negative impact of economic stagnation and welfare benefit changes upon women and families in Wales as noted by the Bevan Foundation report ‘Women, work and the recession in Wales’;


2. Notes the warning of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation that Wales faces a decade of destitution;


3. Believes that that UK Government has followed the wrong economic path since 2010, putting women and families at risk; and


4. Calls upon the Welsh Government to implement the recommendations of Cuts Watch Cymru to mitigate the effects of housing benefit changes to families and develop a plan to support young women into appropriate and well-paid employment to meet their needs.









The motion without amendment was agreed.

Publication date: 06/03/2013

Date of decision: 06/03/2013

Decided at meeting: 06/03/2013 - Plenary - Fourth Assembly