Decision details

Debate by Individual Members under Standing Order 11.21(iv)

Decision Maker: Business Committee - Fourth Assembly, Plenary - Fourth Assembly

Status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes


Standing Order 11.21:

Time must be made available in each Assembly year for debates on the following items of business:


(iv) motions proposed by any Member who is not a member of the government


The item started at 15.04


Bethan Jenkins (South Wales West)

Suzy Davies (South Wales West)

Eluned Parrott (South Wales Central)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Recognises the value of the arts and creativity in the education and development of our young people; providing a rich experience in their own right but also helping to improve a child's concentration, stimulating their imagination and creativity, building confidence, raising aspiration and giving them a greater understanding and empathy for others;

2. Notes with concern that over the last decade constraints on local authority budgets have put non-statutory music services under increasing pressure;

3. Notes the conclusion of the task and finish group on music services in Wales that key challenges facing music services in Wales include the disparity of existing provision and growing inequality of opportunity to access services; and

4. Calls on the Welsh Government to develop a national strategy on music education so that every child has the opportunity to participate in a range of musical experiences, to reduce financial barriers to accessing these services and to ensure that high quality services are sustained despite reductions in school and local authority budgets.

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.


Publication date: 09/12/2015

Date of decision: 09/12/2015

Decided at meeting: 09/12/2015 - Plenary - Fourth Assembly