Decision details

Short Debate

Decision Maker: Plenary - Fourth Assembly

Status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes


Short debates differ from other debates as they allow any Member, other than a member of the government, to have a general debate on a topic of interest or constituency matter, without requiring the Assembly to vote at the end of the debate (as there is no associated motion).  Members are selected from a ballot held by the Presiding Officer and permitted to bring forward a topic of their choice.  The Member will open the debate and speak for their allocated time. The Minister or Assembly Commissioner responsible for the topic being discussed usually responds to the short debate.


The item started at 17.29

NDM5714 Russell George (Montgomeryshire):

The activities of National Grid in mid-Wales.

Preventing the industrialisation and destruction of Montgomeryshire.

Publication date: 11/03/2015

Date of decision: 11/03/2015

Decided at meeting: 11/03/2015 - Plenary - Fourth Assembly