Decision details

Debate on the Health and Social Care Committee’s Report on The work of Healthcare Inspectorate Wales

Decision Maker: Plenary - Fourth Assembly, Health and Social Care Committee - Fourth Assembly

Status: Complete

Is Key decision?: Yes


The National Assembly for Wales’ Health and Social Care Committee undertook a short inquiry into the work of Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) during autumn-winter 2013-14.


The terms of reference of the inquiry were to focus on:


  • The effectiveness of HIW in undertaking its main functions and statutory responsibilities.
  • The investigative and inspection functions of HIW, specifically its responsibility for making sure patients have access to safe and effective services, and its responsiveness to incidences of serious concern and systematic failures.
  • The overall development and accountability of HIW, including whether the organisation is fit for purpose.
  • The effectiveness of working relationships, focusing on collaboration and information sharing between HIW, key stakeholders and other review bodies.
  • Consideration of the role of HIW in strengthening the voice of patients and the public in the way health services are reviewed.
  • Safeguarding arrangements, specifically the handling of whistleblowing and complaints information.


Evidence from the Public


The Committee held a public consultation to gather evidence on this topic.


The Committee’s report

The Committee reported (PDF, 683KB) in March 2014. The Welsh Government responded (PDF, 198KB) in May 2014.


Plenary debate

The Plenary debate on the Committee’s report the work of Healthcare Inspectorate Wales took place on 4 June 2014.


The item started at 15.55


NDM5519 David Rees (Aberavon)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


Notes the report of the Health and Social Care Committee into the work of Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, which was laid in the Table Office on 21 March 2014.


The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

Publication date: 04/06/2014

Date of decision: 04/06/2014

Decided at meeting: 04/06/2014 - Plenary - Fourth Assembly