Decision details

Glastir inquiry - Oral evidence

Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Committee - Fourth Assembly

Status: Complete

Is Key decision?: Yes


Glastir: Terms of Reference

The Environment and Sustainability Committee undertook an inquiry on the Welsh Government’s agri-environment scheme, Glastir.

The purpose of the inquiry was to:

  • to assess the progress made by the Welsh Government on the delivery of the scheme;
  • to gather stakeholder views on the scheme and how it could be improved;
  • to make recommendations to the Welsh Government on the delivery of the scheme.

The Committee considered:

  • what progress had been made by the Welsh Government to implement the recommendations made by the Rees Roberts independent review of Glastir and whether these have been effective?
  • what progress has been made by the Welsh Government to implement the recommendations made in the ‘Working Smarter’ report, as it relates to Glastir?
  • whether there remain any barriers to entry to the scheme for the industry and how these could be addressed?
  • what the views of stakeholders are on the different elements of the scheme?
  • the funding arrangements for the scheme and in particular:

- whether there is sufficient flexibility between the funding of different elements of the scheme?

- whether the costings for different options available under the All Wales Element and Targeted Element are reflective of market conditions?

- the funding available for farmers in less favoured areas entering the scheme.


2.1 The witnesses responded to questions from members of the Committee on Glastir.


2.2 Sue Evans agreed to provide further information on the upper limits which may be a barrier to entry into the scheme.        


Publication date: 29/05/2012

Date of decision: 17/05/2012

Decided at meeting: 17/05/2012 - Environment and Sustainability Committee - Fourth Assembly

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