Decision details

P-04-329 Control of noise nuisance from wind - discussion of site visits and evidence given on 28 February

Decision Maker: Plenary - Fourth Assembly, Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly

Is Key decision?: Yes


Petition wording:

We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to pass a statute controlling the noise nuisance from wind turbines during anti-social hours. We ask for the implementation of respite periods during which time turbines would be switched off.


Noise respite periods are common in public health legislation. They are called for by the World Health Organisation in their Community Noise report; and are currently implemented in the U.K. on airport operations, construction sites and factories and other evening and overnight noise nuisance.


We ask that this applies to turbines above 1.3 MW, and that respite periods be between 18.00Hrs to 06.00Hrs for turbines within 1.5 Km of individual residences; and 22.00Hrs to 06.00 Hrs for turbines within 2Km of communities. Authorities within Wales determining applications under 50MW Plate Capacity, and the Infrastructure Planning Commission determining those over 50MW should make developers aware of this Public Health restriction which may affect individual turbines.



Lead petitioner:

James Shepherd Foster


Number of signatures:




The Committee agreed to produce a short report on the subject of noise from wind turbines and request a Plenary debate.

Publication date: 03/05/2012

Date of decision: 01/05/2012

Decided at meeting: 01/05/2012 - Petitions Committee - Fourth Assembly

Accompanying Documents: