Decision details

Debate by Individual Members under Standing Order 11.21(iv)

Decision Maker: Business Committee - Fourth Assembly, Plenary - Fourth Assembly

Status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes


Standing Order 11.21:

Time must be made available in each Assembly year for debates on the following items of business:


(iv) motions proposed by any Member who is not a member of the government


The item started at 15.05


David Rees (Aberavon)
Mike Hedges (Swansea East)
Aled Roberts (North Wales)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Recognises the importance of steel production to the Welsh economy.

2. Calls on the Welsh Government to continue to do all that it can to support the steel industry during these difficult times.

3. Calls on the UK Government to take urgent action on a number of areas including addressing the high energy costs faced by energy intensive industries in Wales, such as steel, to ensure they can be competitive with other European producers in a global market.

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.


Publication date: 02/12/2015

Date of decision: 02/12/2015

Decided at meeting: 02/12/2015 - Plenary - Fourth Assembly