Reasons restricted

By virtue of paragraph(s) i, ii, iv, v, vii, viii of Standing Order 17.42

Explanation of Reasons

  • By Virtue of Paragraph i

    International relations, national security, the investigation of alleged illegality, the effectiveness of law enforcement or the proper administration of justice requires the proceedings to be held in private.

  • By Virtue of Paragraph ii

    A particular item of business cannot be discussed without disclosing personal information relating to specifically identified or identifiable individuals which ought not to be disclosed.

  • By Virtue of Paragraph iv

    Discussion in public of a particular item of business would be likely to cause harm to the health or safety of an individual, the public, or the environment.

  • By Virtue of Paragraph v

    A particular item of business cannot be discussed without reference to material which would be likely to be considered defamatory of any person.

  • By Virtue of Paragraph vii

    A particular item of business cannot be discussed without disclosing either legal advice supplied in confidence, or information supplied in confidence by, or confidential correspondence with, a person or organisation (including a public authority) which was not under any legal obligation to disclose that information and has not consented to its disclosure to the public.

  • By Virtue of Paragraph viii

    A particular item of business cannot be discussed without reference to a document or documents which would be excluded or exempted from disclosure under legislation.