
Ways of Working

This page gives details of any meetings held which will, or did, discuss the matter, and includes links to the relevant Papers, Agendas and Minutes.

Note: Meeting Agenda can change at short notice. Particularly where future meeting dates are indicated more than a week in advance. Please check before planning to attend a Committee Meeting that the item you are interested in has not been moved.

Meeting: 29/01/2024 - Senedd Commission (Item 4)

Ways of Working: Siambr 2026 Project

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 2


The Commissioners were advised of the outcome of the tender exercise and evaluation process undertaken to appoint an architectural services supplier to work with the Senedd Commission on the Siambr 2026 project.

The Commission approved the evaluation panel’s recommendation to appoint Rogers Stirk Harbour Partnership (RSHP), formerly Richard Rogers Partnership, to develop the preferred option and design for an increased Siambr to accommodate 96 Members in response to Senedd Reform, subject to agreement of final terms and conditions with RSHP.

Commissioners also discussed the importance of information being available for them to share with their group members, and were informed of planned composition for a Member reference group which would invite participation of a member from each group alongside Commission members.

It was agreed that senior officials would attend meetings with any of the political groups if invited to do so, to update on the significant Ways of Working projects, and that Q&A style information would be prepared.

Meeting: 29/01/2024 - Senedd Commission (Item 5)

Ways of Working: Bay 2032 Project

Meeting: 29/01/2024 - Senedd Commission (Item 5)

Procurement process

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 7


Having agreed the procurement strategy, Commissioners agreed a procurement process, under the public procurement regulations, that would meet the principles, and provide the means to achieve the objectives, of that procurement strategy. They were provided with the proposed scope of the contract, an initial risk assessment, the high-level procurement process for the project and an indicative timetable for the next steps.

Commissioners discussed the parameters of the timing necessary to deliver this project, which is driven by the ending of the current lease of Ty Hywel in 2032.

They agreed to action the first stage of the procurement process, to issue a Prior Information Notice (PIN) for the project, as soon as practicable (likely to be in mid-February 2024), which would guide and shape the overall procurement of the accommodation solution for 2032.

Commissioners noted the subsequent intended stages in the overall procurement process for the project, based on initial legal advice, which comprised the following main elements:

          conducting a competitive procurement to deliver Bay 2032.

          the competitive procurement would centre on an Output Based Specification, which will set out the needs and requirements of the Commission, rather than a particular solution.

          The competitive procurement will be conducted in four stages.


Meeting: 29/01/2024 - Senedd Commission (Item 5)

Progress and outline procurement strategy

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 10


Commissioners were updated on the progress of the project and noted the current indicative high-level critical path to delivery of the project as well as the level of uncertainty inherent in the next steps of a project of this kind.

They agreed the outline procurement strategy for the project which would guide and shape the overall procurement of the Bay 2032 accommodation solution including the specific procurement process and route utilised.

Commissioners noted the critical need to retain competitive tension between the new development and refit opportunities to ensure best value for public money.

Meeting: 11/12/2023 - Senedd Commission (Item 4)

Ways of Working - Tŷ Hywel 2026

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 13


Commissioners considered draft planning assumptions proposed to shape provision for the needs that would result from an increased number of Members.

Senedd Reform proposals to increase the size of the Senedd to 96 Members would mean that Tŷ Hywel needs to be adapted to provide appropriate accommodation for the needs generated by an increase in Members, and their support staff, whilst also accommodating Commission staff appropriately and providing sufficient space for an increased number of Welsh Government Ministerial offices.

Commissioners approved the proposed planning assumptions for the Tŷ Hywel 2026 project and high-level timeline for adoption as a start point to enable the development of more detailed options and proposals. They specified that they would like to undertake more in depth consideration of the initial, detailed options and plans at a future meeting.

Meeting: 11/12/2023 - Senedd Commission (Item 3)

Ways of Working - Bay 2032

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 16
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  • Restricted enclosure 18


Commissioners received a paper and presentation setting out a Strategic Outline Case (SOC) for the Commission’s Bay estate future needs. The project is potentially the largest and most complex project undertaken by the Commission. It would secure the long-term office accommodation needs of the Senedd, Commission and Welsh Government in the Bay, adjacent to the Senedd building itself. The SOC had been prepared by the Commission’s professional property advisers (Avison Young).

The Commission had agreed to follow the HM Treasury / Welsh Government ‘Green Book’ process. Within that process, a Strategic Outline Case is the first stage of a three-stage business case methodology that is suitable for projects of this complexity and cost.

The Commission approved the Bay 2032 Strategic Outline Case, providing a mandate for Commission officials to progress the Bay 2032 project onto its next stage by developing an Outline Business Case and working-up the opening preferred way forward set out in the SOC of developing a new facility on the adjacent Assembly Square plot. Commissioners noted that the SOC does not seek or require any decision on any accommodation option from the Commission, and that such considerations would arise later in the process. They agreed that an information briefing note for Members should be prepared in due course.

Commissioners also noted that the development of the Outline Business Case would require the procurement of external professional services to draft and then to quality assure it, and that proposals in this regard would be considered by Executive Board in due course.

Meeting: 25/09/2023 - Senedd Commission (Item 5)

Ways of Working - Siambr 26 Project Design Development

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 21


Commissioners were advised of the project and work underway to develop the preferred option and design for an increased Siambr for 96 Members for the Seventh Senedd.

They agreed the high level vision and scope for the project, to enable the procurement of design and architectural services to commence in October, on the basis that exploratory work should consider in a broad way possibilities within the boundaries of a circular parliament, and that accessibility requirements to be included in the specification and tenders for design and architectural services should go beyond physical accessibility issues.

Commissioners noted the planned work for the project and welcomed that a reference group of Members would be involved in what would be an iterative process which would return to the Commission for decisions, at the appropriate time.

Meeting: 10/07/2023 - Senedd Commission (Item 4)

Ways of Working - Bay 2032 Update

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 24


Commissioners received an update on work underway to progress the strategic options for appropriate future accommodation as part of the Bay 2032 project. They noted background information, which they had requested, in relation to previous estate opportunities considered by the Commission and its predecessors. 

Commissioners noted the update and future timelines for the project (as are currently known), including decisions that would be required in 2023-2024 and the need to engage with Members more widely.


Meeting: 10/07/2023 - Senedd Commission (Item 6)

Ways of Working - N Wales Office update

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 27


Commissioners noted the update that the move to relocate the Senedd Commission facilities and services provided at the Colwyn Bay office to an office within the Welsh Government’s Sarn Mynach offices (Llandudno Junction) had been completed.


Meeting: 19/06/2023 - Senedd Commission (Item 7)

Ways of Working Update

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 30


Commissioners noted the update on the direction and progress of its ‘Ways of Working’ (WOW) major change programme, as the work moves beyond the Initial Action Plan phase into its strategic delivery phase.

Meeting: 22/05/2023 - Senedd Commission (Item 7)

North Wales Office Relocation: update

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 33


Commissioners noted progress with the project to relocate the Senedd Commission facilities and services provided at the Colwyn Bay office to an office within the Welsh Government’s Sarn Mynach (Llandudno Junction) office.


Meeting: 22/05/2023 - Senedd Commission (Item 2)

Ways of Working - Strategic options for the Bay 2032 project

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 36
  • Restricted enclosure 37


Commissioners were updated on initial professional advice regarding viable options to secure accommodation that meets the long-term needs of the Senedd and Commission. Advice was based on the draft needs and requirements agreed in December 2022.

Commissioners discussed the significance of sustainable development and equality of opportunity considerations alongside the importance of taking a long term perspective on value for the public purse.

The Commissioners unanimously agreed that officials should proceed and progress the short-list project options with the drafting of a first stage business case for the Bay 2032 project (the Strategic Outline Case) on the basis of the advice provided. 

Commissioners agreed to receive an update at the July meeting, regarding progress on exploring all options.

Meeting: 30/01/2023 - Senedd Commission (Item 3)

Ways of Working programme

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 40


A - Presentation – Emerging themes from Ways of Working engagement exercise with Members

Commissioners were presented with information about emerging themes from the engagement exercise with Members, which had been undertaken in November and December as a joint exercise with the Remuneration Board.

The purpose of the exercise was to establish a better understanding of Members medium-to-long term ways of working needs. Members’ views were presented in five main themes:

·         Ways of Working -  Universal themes

·         Commission Services

·         Pay and Allowances

·         Hub Working

·         Senedd Reform

Commissioners discussed the strength of feeling expressed in relation to some areas, hubs as an office space shared between Members being an example where the Commission felt that Members’ views suggested this would not be a fruitful direction to pursue. They highlighted a distinction between the type of ‘Hub’ generally discussed by Members, and Commission provided locations, such as that in North Wales, which enable Commission staff to work in parts of Wales other than the estate in Cardiff Bay.

Commissioners reflected that the findings of the exercise were interesting, and recognised that some aspects of the presentation would be particularly useful for the Remuneration Board in light of its planned work programme. Commissioners expressed that the significance to the current cohort of Members of some matters which would appear to merit further interrogation, for example factors which may influence the ability of Members to retain staff.

Commissioners agreed that in addition to the audiences who would use the information gathered to shape future service and support provision, it would be useful to provide some wider feedback to Members. They requested a note be produced.

B - North Wales office relocation update

Commissioners noted that work is underway to finalise the Licence with Welsh Government and that the current lease will terminate on 30 June 2023. An update was provided about the discussions with Welsh Government to ensure the independence for the future space for the Senedd Commission through appropriate signage in Sarn Mynach.

Meeting: 07/11/2022 - Senedd Commission (Item 3)

Ways of Working - N Wales office

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 43
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As part of the Ways of Working Programme, Commissioners considered a business case for providing the facilities currently available to staff and Members at the Commission’s Colwyn Bay office through a co-location licence agreement with the Welsh Government at its Sarn Mynach (Llandudno Junction) office.

The business case set out the case for change; scope, objectives, business needs and deliverables; and shortlist options along with their costings and evaluation.

Commissioners discussed their desire to ensure staff are looked after, and implications for other users of the offices, including Members and the public. They also considered the importance of the Commission having offices outside Cardiff, and being able to offer Senedd jobs in other parts of Wales. They concluded that the independence of the office from the Welsh Government should be made clear, including through appropriate branding, and that there should be communication about the change, along with enhanced information about ways the spaces may be used. An update would be provided following more detailed negotiations.

Commissioners agreed to exercise the break clause in the North Wales Office (Prince’s Park) lease and move the Commission’s North Wales office. The new location would provide self-contained workspace and hybrid meeting room) with storeroom and a tea-point as well as access to a range of communal facilities.

Subject to legal and professional estate services advice it is expected the move would occur in June 2023.

Meeting: 20/06/2022 - Senedd Commission (Item 4)

Ways of Working

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 49


Commissioners noted project progress, principal delivery risks and next step. They also discussed matters relating to long-term options for the Tŷ Hywel estate, beyond the lease expiry in 2032, and noted that professional advice would be sought, informed by the Commission discussions. They agreed that all options should be included for the purpose of seeking advice and that further discussions would be undertaken with Welsh Government officials in relation to the site adjacent to the Senedd.

Meeting: 09/05/2022 - Senedd Commission (Item 3)

Ways of working

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 52


Commissioners were provided with an update on progress in delivering the Ways of Working Interim Action Plan (IAP) and associated issues and risks.

Commissioners agreed that reasonable preparatory work and engagement activity, as set out in the report, be undertaken to inform decisions later in the year, and then for the medium-to-longer term, in relation to ways of working needs.

They supported that the wider engagement exercise be undertaken in coordination with the Independent Remuneration Board.

Commissioners also noted information about the outline model through which EB had agreed the Commission staff's return to the estate would be managed. This set out organising principles of activity based attendance and a hierarchy of business needs.