
Members' Bills

This page gives details of any meetings held which will, or did, discuss the matter, and includes links to the relevant Papers, Agendas and Minutes.

Note: Meeting Agenda can change at short notice. Particularly where future meeting dates are indicated more than a week in advance. Please check before planning to attend a Committee Meeting that the item you are interested in has not been moved.

Meeting: 03/07/2019 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 3)

Member bills

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 2

Meeting: 03/07/2019 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 3)

Member Bills

Meeting: 20/03/2019 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 4.3)

Paper 4c - Letter from the First Minister to the Chair of Finance Committee

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 7

Meeting: 20/03/2019 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 4.2)

Paper 4b - Letter from the Chair of Finance Committee to the First Minister

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 9

Meeting: 20/03/2019 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 4.1)

Paper 4a - Financial Implications of Member Bills

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 11

Meeting: 20/03/2019 - Chairs' Forum - Fifth Senedd (Item 4.)

Members' Bills

Meeting: 29/11/2016 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Revised Guidance on Debates on Members' Legislative Proposals

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 14


Business Managers noted the revised draft guidance to be issued to Members prior to the introduction of a new procedure for debating proposed Member legislation in Plenary.

Meeting: 22/11/2016 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Members Bills - Procedure for Debates on Proposed Bills

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 17


Business Managers considered draft guidance to be issued to Members prior to the introduction of a new procedure for debating proposed Member legislation in Plenary.


The Committee discussed the draft and agreed changes to be made. The Clerk agreed to circulate a revised draft by email for agreement.

Meeting: 15/11/2016 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 6)

Members Bills - Procedure for Debates on Proposed Bills

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 20


Business Managers considered a paper outlining how debates on No Named Day Motions could work in practice as a procedure for proposing Member legislation, using existing Standing Order provisions.


The Committee agreed in principle and asked the Secretariat to draft more detailed guidance for Business Managers to consider at a future meeting. 

Meeting: 01/11/2016 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Members Bills - Procedure for Debates on Proposed Bills

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 23


The Committee considered a paper setting out options for debates on No Named Day motions by Members including proposals for legislation, and the possible format this would take using existing Standing Order provisions.


Business Managers agreed to return to the matter in two weeks’ time following consultation with party groups.

Meeting: 01/11/2016 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Member Bills - Revision of Standing Orders

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 26


Business Managers considered a paper setting out proposals for changing the current procedure for introducing Member Bills with possible subsequent changes to Standing Orders.


The Committee agreed to the proposed changes to Standing Orders subject to some amendments and for the Secretariat to bring forward a draft report for consideration at next week’s meeting.

Meeting: 18/10/2016 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Member Bills

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 29
  • Restricted enclosure 30


Following consultation with Party Groups, Business Managers considered a paper setting out proposals for changing the current procedure for introducing Member Bills with possible subsequent changes to Standing Orders.


Business Managers agreed that Standing Orders should be amended to accommodate a revised Member Bill process. Those changes would include keeping the current process of providing pre-ballot information but providing less information overall (including the need for consultation), and increasing the time a Member has to introduce a Bill from 9 to 13 months. The Committee also agreed to look at the possibility of requiring some information on costs and savings at the leave to proceed stage.


The Committee requested a further paper on proposed Orders under Section 116C and for further information on the format of debates on No Named Day motions noting a proposal for legislation.

Meeting: 04/10/2016 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 6)

Summary Paper on Members' Bills

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 33


Business Managers noted a summary paper on proposed changes to procedures around Member Bills to inform Business Managers’ discussion with party groups, before returning to the matter in two weeks’ time.

Meeting: 27/09/2016 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Members' Bills

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 36


Following Business Managers’ decision early last term to review the process for Member Bills based on recommendations by the fourth Assembly’s Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee, the Committee discussed proposals for changing the current procedure.


Business Managers requested a further summary paper from the Secretariat on possible options. The Committee were invited to consult with their groups and to return to the matter in three weeks’ time.