
Senedd Business

This page gives details of any meetings held which will, or did, discuss the matter, and includes links to the relevant Papers, Agendas and Minutes.

Note: Meeting Agenda can change at short notice. Particularly where future meeting dates are indicated more than a week in advance. Please check before planning to attend a Committee Meeting that the item you are interested in has not been moved.

Meeting: 16/03/2021 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Post-election tabling and laying arrangements

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 2


Business Committee agreed that the Table Office remains closed for the receipt of all business until after the first Plenary meeting of the Sixth Senedd, apart from to accept any time critical business or registration of interests forms, which may be submitted from 7 May onwards.


Business Committee also noted:

·         that written questions tabled from that point will be published in the usual way with the deadline for answers shown as five working days after they have been tabled;

·         that written questions tabled to the Welsh Government will be tabled for answer by the First Minister, who will determine who should answer them, until a new Cabinet is appointed; and

·         that written questions tabled to the Senedd Commission will be tabled for answer by the Presiding Officer.


Meeting: 16/03/2021 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Senedd Business

Meeting: 02/03/2021 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill - Impact on Senedd Business

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 7
  • Restricted enclosure 8


Business Committee agreed:


·         that a recall of the Senedd for matters not related to the Bill would only be in exceptional circumstances;

·         that all Senedd Committee business should cease during the pre-dissolution period;

·         the deadlines for laying documents, accepting Written Questions and other items of tabled business, other than relating to any recall of the Senedd;

·         that the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee may meet during the pre-dissolution period only to consider regulations related to Coronavirus (if the subject of a recall of the Senedd) or postponement of the 2021 elections; and

·         that decisions about Senedd business during any additional weeks of the Fifth Senedd be made following any decision to postpone the election.

The Committee also noted:


·         the process to postpone the election;

·         the deadline of 6pm on Wednesday 28 April for any changes to the Register of Interests;

·         the Llywydd’s intention to close the petitions system during the pre-dissolution period (in addition to during dissolution);

·         the Llywydd’s intention to restrict the activities of Cross-Party Groups after 7 April, the deadline of 6pm on Wednesday 28 April for submitting documentation relating to the activities of Cross-Party Groups, and that all Cross-Party Groups will be automatically de-registered upon dissolution (midnight on 29 April).


Meeting: 02/03/2021 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Senedd Business

Meeting: 24/11/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Tabling arrangements for Christmas recess 2020

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 13


Business Committee confirmed the arrangements for laying documents during the Christmas period, including agreeing the proposal for duty clerks to be on call to publish any documents laid during the shutdown period between Christmas and New Year.


The Committee also confirmed the arrangements for tabling Plenary business for the first week of term and the arrangements for tabling amendments to bills.


The Committee also agreed the arrangements for the tabling of Written Questions.


The Trefnydd thanked the Commission for putting arrangements in place for duty clerks during the shutdown period, to deal with any Brexit or Covid-related matters.


Meeting: 24/11/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Senedd Business

Meeting: 03/11/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 6)

Committee of the Regions - UK Contact Group

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 18


Business Committee agreed that the Llywydd should nominate David Rees and Russell George as member and substitute, respectively, of the Committee of the Regions UK contact Group for the remainder of this Senedd.


Meeting: 03/11/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 6)

Senedd Business

Meeting: 20/10/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 7)

Selection of Amendments

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 23


Any other Selection of Amendments


Business Managers agreed the revised guidance, subject to the changes agreed to the draft in relation to time management and support.



Meeting: 20/10/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 7)

Senedd Business

Meeting: 14/09/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Arrangements for Senedd business in the Autumn Term

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 28


The Business Committee agreed to schedule breaks tomorrow after the BSA and after the Statement from the Minister for Health and Social Services, to enable Members in the Chamber to swap.


The Committee decided that they would ask the Independent Members to agree on when they would attend the Siambr, and if they are not able to decide between them then they may be balloted.


The Committee noted that an update on options for increasing the number of Members able to be present in the Chamber at any one time will be provided after the Commission meeting at the end of September and also

noted the arrangements for trialling hybrid committee meetings set out in the Annex to the paper.


Business Managers agreed it would be useful to have a longer ‘forward look’ of upcoming government and non-government Plenary business if possible, to help Members plan their attendance.


Meeting: 14/09/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Senedd Business

Meeting: 13/07/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Summer recess 2020 tabling arrangements

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 33


Business Committee confirmed the arrangements for tabling Plenary business during the summer recess period and agreed the arrangements for the tabling of Written Questions.


Meeting: 13/07/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Recess Dates

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 36


Business Committee confirmed the autumn half term and Christmas recess dates for 2020 and agreed provisional recess dates for spring half term 2021 and Easter recess.


Meeting: 13/07/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Senedd Timetable

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 39


The Business Committee agreed to return to twice-weekly Plenaries on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, and agreed the draft committee timetable.


The Llywydd confirmed that the Commission would be looking at issues such as how many Members could be present in the building, and potential use of other rooms, ahead of the autumn term. It would also consider whether there was any way more than two committees could be broadcast simultaneously in future.


Meeting: 13/07/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Senedd Business

Meeting: 27/03/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Decisions arising from emergency procedures

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 44


At last week’s meeting, Business Managers agreed to recommend that a new Standing Order 34 be created, to provide for emergency procedures relating to the continuity of business during the current situation. The Assembly agreed to the new Standing Order on Tuesday, and the Business Committee made the following decisions in accordance with the new provisions:


Voting in Plenary and Quorum:


Standing Orders 34.9 and 34.10 provide for weighted voting in Plenary, and a reduced quorum of 4. Business Committee agreed that any votes in Plenary should proceed on this basis until further notice.


Business Committee agreed that where weighted voting is used, the votes will be conducted by roll-call, for reasons of practicality and transparency.


Accessibility of Plenary Meetings:


Business Committee agreed that, for virtual meetings, the requirement to broadcast be relaxed in accordance with SO 34.16. However, Business Managers agreed that a recording of the meeting should be made available via the Assembly’s usual broadcast channels as soon as possible after the meeting, and a record of proceedings published as usual.


Oral Assembly Questions:


In accordance with Standing Order 34.18, Business Committee agreed that no Oral Assembly Questions should be scheduled until further notice.


Consideration of SIs:


Business Committee agreed that Standing Orders 21.2 and 21.3 would be disapplied and that any relevant functions would be undertaken by the Assembly until further notice. Officials will provide a note on how this will work in practice for the next meeting.





Meeting: 27/03/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 23/03/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Assembly Business

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 49


To facilitate essential business during the COVID-19 outbreak, a majority of Business Managers were in favour of a smaller emergency Senedd for future plenary meetings. Business Committee agreed to weighted voting, on the model of Business Committee. Business Managers agreed to work through their groups to reduce numbers further (6 government, 3 Conservatives, 2 Plaid Cymru, 1 Brexit), and to reduce quorum for plenary to 4. Business Committee agreed to recommend amendments to Standing Orders where necessary to facilitate all of these decisions , and to collate all new and existing emergency Standing Orders in a new standalone Standing Order 34.


Business Managers agreed that the Llywydd should write to independent members to advise them political groups are now rationing attendance in plenary, and encourage them to do the same. The Llywydd will also indicate that she would call independent Members proportionate to their representation.


Business Managers agreed to cancel Easter recess, and schedule plenary every Tuesday for the foreseeable future; Business Committee will decide on the preceding Friday whether each plenary session should go ahead. Business Committee agreed to recommend the suspension of those parts of Standing Orders requiring FMQs, OAQs to all Ministers and Commission Questions to take place each week / four weeks. There would be no limit on WAQs, but this would be kept under review.


The Llywydd asked officials to look into whether an emergency Senedd meeting could be held remotely.


Business Committee agreed to recommend changes to Standing Orders to allow the Llywydd to recall the Senedd with the agreement of the Business Committee.


Business Committee agreed to recommend changes to Standing Orders to remove the requirement for the LJC committee to consider and report on statutory instruments.  The emergency Senedd could consider any briefing the Committee would usually have had from officials.  Business Committee also agreed that committees should no longer meet.


Meeting: 23/03/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 18/03/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 2)

Temporary Business Arrangements in response to Coronavirus Measures


The Business Committee met this morning and agreed the following:


 Temporary Standing Order changes to be considered this afternoon


(i) proposals for a temporary Standing Order relating to public access. Although the public are to be denied access to the public gallery, the proposed Standing Orders are clear that broadcasting means that plenary is taking place in public, and that broadcasting will continue, except where the Commission state it is impractical. Business Managers stressed the importance of continuing broadcasting for as long as possible. The Clerk offered to provide a note on plans to enable this to happen.


(ii)   proposals for a temporary Standing Order relating to the election of an Acting Chair for Plenary (in case the Llywydd and Deputy are unable to be present to chair) and the election of a Designated Temporary Presiding Officer (in case the Llywydd and Deputy are unable to act at all).


(iii) to agree to suspend Standing Orders in Plenary this afternoon (18 March) in order to make these changes;


(iv) to agree to the election of a temporary Chair and designated Llywydd this afternoon - David Melding.


Next Week’s Business


(i) that all Plenary business be taken on Wednesday, starting at 11am, with a half hour break for lunch and an estimated finish time of 8pm.


(ii) FMQs and Topical Questions would take place on Wednesday morning. All OAQs to the other Ministers would be transferred for written answer. There will be no questions on the Business Statement.  This will require a suspension of Standing Orders next Wednesday. The other business will be Ministerial statements in relation to Coronavirus [as per the current Business Statement for 24 March] and the LCM on the Coronavirus Bill.


(iii) The time available for Stage 1 on the General Principles of the Local Government Bill will be shortened. There would be no debate as usual, only a vote. The Government agreed to publish its response to the Committee report in advance so Members could take an informed decision.


Recess arrangements and beyond


(i) Business Managers agreed that scrutiny of the Government needed to continue during recess.


(ii) Business Managers agreed to give further consideration at their next meeting to how best to:


·         Minimise the number of Members attending plenary;

·         Facilitate the business of Government, including subordinate legislation, particularly in relation to Coronavirus;

·         Provide opportunities for scrutiny during recess, and possibly beyond, for all Groups and independent Members;

(iii) Business Managers considered the option of creating a Committee to undertake Assembly functions, where appropriate.


(iv) Officials will provide further advice to Business Managers ahead of the next meeting.


Next meeting – early next week (time and date TBC).


There will also be a virtual working test. 


Meeting: 18/03/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 2)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 10/03/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Senedd Clwyd

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 58


Business Managers agreed the proposed outline timetable for the week commencing 8 June, which is consistent with the usual committee and Assembly timetables agreed by the Business Committee. They also agreed to maintain the usual ratio of government and non-government business for the two Plenary meetings of 9 and 10 June.


Business Managers discussed options for the types of non-government business to be scheduled during the Plenary meetings to be held in north Wales on 9 and 10 June and agreed to:

  • schedule the CWLC debate but ask the Committee if they would be content with a 30 minute slot;
  • schedule a Member Debate and invite Members to table motions for selection;
  • hold a dedicated Short Debate ballot for that week, rather than it be included in the termly ballot;
  • schedule 60 or 90 minutes of opposition time, with the opposition groups to discuss outside Business Committee how that time might be allocated and used.


Meeting: 10/03/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 11/02/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 7)

Senedd Clwyd

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 63


Business Managers considered the paper and agreed to discuss with their groups and Commission representatives whether there is an appetite to extend the proposed timetable to include Thursday, and/or to change the times allocated for plenary business. Business Managers will return to the paper after half-term.


Meeting: 11/02/2020 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 7)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 03/12/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Recess Dates

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 68


Business Managers confirmed the recess dates for Whitsun Half Term and Summer Recess 2020, and agreed the provisional recess dates for October Half Term and Christmas Recess 2020. They noted that the fact of Christmas and New Year’s Day falling on a Friday meant that the recess period would fall later than has recently been the case.



Meeting: 03/12/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 26/11/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Tabling Arrangements 2019

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 73


Business Managers confirmed the arrangements for tabling plenary business and amendments to bills during the Christmas recess period and agreed the arrangements for the tabling of Written Assembly Questions.




Meeting: 26/11/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 02/07/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 02/07/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Summer Recess Tabling Arrangements

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 80


Business Managers confirmed the arrangements for tabling plenary business during the Summer recess period and agreed the arrangements for the tabling of Written Assembly Questions.


Meeting: 18/06/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 11/06/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 6)

The effect of recent changes to group membership on committees

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 85


Business Managers discussed the paper, and Caroline Jones agreed to confirm the Brexit party’s preferences after their group meeting this morning.


Meeting: 11/06/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 6)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 04/06/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

The effect of recent changes to group membership on committees

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 90


Business Managers agreed to reduce the size of the seven eight-Member policy and legislation committees to six Members each. They asked officials to write to the Brexit Party and Independent Members to ask for their preferences for the remaining places on Committees.


Business Managers also agreed the allocation of plenary time to opposition groups should be a 11:10:4 ratio, to maintain an exact reflection of relative group sizes.


Business Managers noted that the Llywydd has agreed to allow the Brexit Group to ask two Leaders’ questions to the First Minister, and to nominate three Ministers to ask two spokespeople questions to.


Meeting: 04/06/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Letter from Dai Lloyd AM

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 93


At the request of the Member, Business Managers agreed to schedule a plenary debate for 19 June in relation to the National Health Service (Welsh Language in Primary Care Services) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2019.



Meeting: 04/06/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 21/05/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 7)

The effect of recent changes to group membership on committees

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 98


Business Managers discussed the paper and agreed to continue discussions outside of the Committee and return to the matter at the next meeting.


Meeting: 21/05/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 7)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 21/05/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 6)

Letter from Mick Antoniw: Proposal to Amend Standing Orders

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 103


The Committee considered the letter and received oral legal and procedural advice at the meeting of 21 May. Business Managers agreed to defer a decision until their next meeting and to consult with their groups in the meantime.

Meeting: 14/05/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 6)

Committee Membership

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 106
  • Restricted enclosure 107


The effect of recent changes to group membership on committees


Business Managers discussed the paper and agreed to continue discussions outside of the Committee and return to the matter next week.



Meeting: 14/05/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 6)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 07/05/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

The effect of recent changes to group membership on committees

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 112


Business Managers discussed the paper and agreed to continue discussions outside of the Committee.


Meeting: 07/05/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Timings for 30 minute opposition debates in Plenary

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 115


Business Managers discussed the paper and agreed to return to it next week after consulting with their groups.


Meeting: 07/05/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 30/04/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 6)

The admissibility of motions

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 120


Business Managers noted the paper.

Meeting: 30/04/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 6)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 02/04/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 3)

Request to schedule a debate on NNDM7031

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 125


Business Managers considered the request and agreed to return to the matter after Easter recess.

Meeting: 02/04/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Joint Session of the Assembly and the Welsh Youth Parliament

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 128


Business Managers agreed in principle to a joint business item with the Welsh Youth Parliament and the Assembly on 26 June 2019 and, in accordance with Standing Order 13.3, agreed that the Llywydd should invite some Welsh Youth Parliament Members to participate in Assembly proceedings for that purpose.

Meeting: 02/04/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 26/03/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Easter Recess Tabling Arrangements

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 133


Business Managers agreed the tabling arrangements for Easter recess, May Day and Whitsun half-term.


Meeting: 26/03/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Recess Dates

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 136


Business Managers agreed the recess dates for October Half Term 2019 and Christmas Recess 2019.


Because New Year’s Day falls on a Wednesday in 2020, it will not be possible to conduct ministerial OAQ shuffles, or for motions to be tabled on the usual days in the last week of recess, as has been the case previously. Business Managers agreed to accept business for 7 and 8 January during the first week of recess, by conducting the OAQ ballots on Monday 16 December, with the deadlines for the shuffle for Ministerial questions set at 3:30 on Wednesday 18 December. To allow sufficient time for the consideration of amendments to motions for the first Plenary meetings back in January, Business Managers agreed that the tabling deadlines for motions for 7 and 8 January be set at 6pm on Wednesday 18 December. Tabling deadlines for amendments to motions and for questions to the First Minister will remain as normal.


Business Managers also agreed that consideration could be given nearer the time to scheduling business for the first week of January that minimised the impact on tabling.


Business Managers agreed the provisional dates for Spring Half Term and Easter Recess 2020.


Meeting: 26/03/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 22/01/2019 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Collation of Guidance issued by the Llywydd under Standing Order 6.17

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 141


Business Managers noted the purpose and content of the paper, and agreed to return to the paper in two weeks’ time.

Meeting: 04/12/2018 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Procedures for the Resignation and Nomination of a First Minister

Supporting documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 144


Business Managers noted the paper.

Meeting: 04/12/2018 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 4)

Assembly Business

Meeting: 27/11/2018 - Business Committee - Fifth Senedd (Item 5)

Assembly Business