
Scrutiny of Accounts - The Fourth Assembly

This page gives details of any meetings held which will, or did, discuss the matter, and includes links to the relevant Papers, Agendas and Minutes.

Note: Meeting Agenda can change at short notice. Particularly where future meeting dates are indicated more than a week in advance. Please check before planning to attend a Committee Meeting that the item you are interested in has not been moved.

Meeting: 01/03/2016 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 Scrutiny of Accounts 2014-15: Consideration of responses to the Committees Report

PAC(4)-08-16 Paper 1- National Library of Wales

PAC(4)-08-16 Paper 2- National Museum Wales

PAC(4)-08-16 Paper 3- Assembly Commission

PAC(4)-08-16 Paper 4- Sport Wales

PAC(4)-08-16 Paper 5- Welsh Government

PAC(4)-08-16 Paper 6- Letter from the Auditor General for Wales




Supporting documents:


3.1 Members considered and noted the response received from the organisations with regard to the recommendations directed to them in the Committee’s report which was published in December 2015.

3.2 The Committee agreed to:

·       Write to the Welsh Government seeking a view on the issues relating to the National Library for Wales’ insurance arrangements, the National Museum Wales’ approach to charging for events and views on both organisations severance arrangements.

·       Seek clarification from the Assembly Commission on what action and how the Commission is planning to make material published on its website more accessible particularly to people with specific requirements.

·       Include a recommendation in its Legacy Report, that the successor Committee scrutinises the Welsh Government on its Consolidated Accounts for 2015-16 in autumn 2016 and specifically considers whether the presentation of the accounts has improved and includes a link to the Welsh Government’s Annual Grants Management Report. It was also suggested that the successor Committee may also wish to probe more widely the Welsh Government’s approach to reducing energy consumption.

·       Include a recommendation in its Legacy Report, that the successor Committee scrutinises the accounts of Natural Resources Wales in autumn 2016.

Meeting: 08/12/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 8)

8 Scrutiny of Accounts 2014-15: Consideration of draft report

Supporting documents:


8.1 Members considered and agreed the report which will be published later in December.

Meeting: 01/12/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Scrutiny of Accounts 2014-15: Letter from Chief Executive and Clerk of the Assembly - Voluntary Exit Scheme (19 November 2015)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 01/12/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 6)

6 Scrutiny of Accounts 2014-15: Consideration of draft report

PAC(4)-33-15 Paper 2

Supporting documents:


6.1 Due to time constraints, this item was not reached.

Meeting: 03/11/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 Scrutiny of Accounts: Additional information from the Welsh Government (22 October 2015)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 03/11/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 Scrutiny of Accounts: Additional information from the Assembly Commission (7 October 2015)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 03/11/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 Scrutiny of Accounts: Additional information from Sport Wales (19 October 2015)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 03/11/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 Scrutiny of Accounts: Additional information from the National Museum of Wales (September 2015)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 06/10/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Scrutiny of Accounts 2014-15: Additional information from the National Library of Wales

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 06/10/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 7)

Scrutiny of Accounts 2014 - 15: Consideration of evidence received


7.1 Members considered the evidence received.

Meeting: 06/10/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 Scrutiny of Accounts 2014 - 15: Welsh Government Consolidated Annual Accounts 2014-2015

PAC(4)-25-15 Paper 1

Research Briefing


Sir Derek Jones – Permanent Secretary, Welsh Government

David Richards - Director of Governance, Welsh Government

Peter Kennedy - Director Human Resources, Welsh Government

Gawain Evans - Deputy Director Finance, Welsh Government

Supporting documents:


3.1 The Committee considered the Welsh Government’s Consolidated Annual Accounts 2014-15, questioning Sir Derek Jones, Permanent Secretary, David Richards, Director of Governance, Peter Kennedy, Director Human Resources and Gawain Evans, Deputy Director Finance, Welsh Government.

3.2 Sir Derek Jones agreed to send further information on the following issues:

·       Details of website traffic and number of hits the Welsh Government Consolidated Accounts receive on the web to give an indication of readership

·       Reasons why the amount of food waste over the Welsh Government’s estate has increased from 2013-14

·       Reasons why the NHS risk pool has not been itemised in the consolidated accounts for 2014-15 as it has been in previous years and explain why this information has not been reported in the accounts

·       Provide a full breakdown on non-cash items and AME and include the figures from 2013-14 for comparison

·       How the Welsh Government addresses cash management and in particular the £86.8m underspend relating to health boards

·       Details of what the £19.6m other liabilities consists of

·       When the original receipts were expected in for the special payments relating to Tryst Engineering Company and Desk Link Office

·       Situation regarding restocking of anti-viral drugs for a pandemic influenza outbreak

·       The cause of the losses regarding Careers Choices Dewis Gyrfa Ltd

3.3 During the consideration of the evidence received, Members asked that the Permanent Secretary send details of how his strategy to achieve a gender balance of 50:50 by 20:20.



Meeting: 29/09/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 9)

Scrutiny of Accounts 2014 - 15: Consideration of evidence received


9.1 Members considered the evidence received.

Meeting: 29/09/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 4)

4 Scrutiny of Accounts 2014 - 15: Sport Wales

PAC(4)-24-15 Paper 2

PAC(4)-24-15 Paper 2A

Research Briefing


Sarah Powell – Chief Executive Officer, Sport Wales

Peter Curran – Finance Director, Sport Wales

Supporting documents:


4.1 The following table shows Members declarations made during this item:

Jocelyn Davies

Daughter is a sports coach

Mike Hedges

Member of a number of football, rugby and cricket clubs some of which have received lottery funding

Keith Davies

Member of a rugby club and Board of School Governors

Son is a rugby coach

Aled Roberts

Member of Wrexham Football Supporters Trust and a school governor

David Rees

A swimming pool threatened with closure is in his constituency


4.2 The Committee considered Sport Wales annual accounts for 2014-15, questioning Sarah Powell, Chief Executive Officer and Peter Curran, Finance Director, Sport Wales.

Meeting: 29/09/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 Scrutiny of Accounts 2014 - 15: Assembly Commission

PAC(4)-24-15 Paper 1

Research Briefing


David Melding AM – Acting Assembly Commissioner

Claire Clancy – Chief Executive and Clerk to the Assembly

Nicola Callow – Director of Finance, National Assembly for Wales

Supporting documents:


3.1 The Committee considered the Assembly Commission’s annual accounts for 2014-15, questioning David Melding AM, Acting Assembly Commissioner, Claire Clancy, Chief Executive and Clerk to the Assembly and Nicola Callow, Director of Finance, National Assembly for Wales.

3.2 Claire Clancy agreed to send the Internal Audit Review of effectiveness of the Commission together with the corresponding action plan.

3.3 Nicola Callow agreed to send details of the budgets assigned to Women in Public Life and Vote@16? national conversation areas of work.

3.3 Claire Clancy agreed to send a note on the actual income performance versus anticipated income performance of the Pierhead Building.

Meeting: 22/09/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 6)

Scrutiny of Accounts 2014 - 15: Consideration of evidence received


6.1 The Committee considered the evidence received.

Meeting: 22/09/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 4)

4 Scrutiny of Accounts 2014 -15: National Museum Wales

PAC(4)-23-15 Paper 2

Research Briefing


David Anderson – Director General, National Museum Wales

Neil Wicks – Director of Finance and Corporate Resources, National Museum Wales

Supporting documents:


4.1 The Committee considered National Museum Wales’ annual accounts for 2014-15, questioning David Anderson, Director General, and Neil Wicks, Director of Finance and Corporate Resources, National Museum Wales.

4.2 Julie Morgan AM declared an interest as a Member of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) Group in the National Assembly.

4.3 David Anderson agreed to provide a note showing the breakdown of the £6.5m cost of charitable activities in respect of museum operations.



Meeting: 22/09/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 Scrutiny of Accounts 2014 -15: National Library for Wales

PAC(4)-23-15 Paper 1

Research Briefing


David Michael - Director of Corporate Resources, National Library for Wales

Colin John – Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, National Library for Wales

Avril Jones – Director of Collections and Public Programmes, National Library for Wales


Supporting documents:


3.1 The Committee considered the National Library for Wales’ annual accounts for 2014-15, questioning David Michael, Director of Corporate Resources, Colin John, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees and Avril Jones, Director of Collections and Public Programmes, National Library for Wales.

3.2 David Michael agreed to provide a copy of the Review undertaken by PWC and a timeline for implementing the recommendations contained within that Review.

Meeting: 15/09/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 6)

Scrutiny of Accounts 2014-15


6.1 Members discussed the upcoming scrutiny sessions on 2014-15 annual accounts and suggested areas they wished to be included in the relevant briefings.

6.2 The Auditor General for Wales advised that once he has audited all the annual reports and accounts for the bodies the Committee considered in 2014, he will write with an analysis of how they have taken the Committee’s recommendations forward.  

Meeting: 09/06/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Letter from the Deputy Presiding Officer (1 June 2015)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 02/06/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Letter from the Arts Council for Wales (13 May 2015)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 12/05/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Letter from David Melding AM, Deputy Presiding Officer (7 May 2015)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 05/05/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Letter from PSOW, CCW, OPCW (28 April 2015)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 28/04/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Letter from the Permanent Secretary, Welsh Government (20 April 2015)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 21/04/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Letter from the Welsh Language Commissioner (26 March 2015)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 10/02/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 6)

6 Scrutiny of Accounts 2013-14: Consideration of Draft Report

PAC(4)-05-15 Paper 3 - Scrutiny of Accounts Draft Report

Supporting documents:


6.1     The Committee considered the draft report on Scrutiny of Accounts 2013-14 and agreed a small number of changes.

Meeting: 13/01/2015 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 7)

7 Scrutiny of Accounts 2013-14: Consideration of the Key Issues

PAC(4)-01-15 Paper 3 - Scrutiny of Accounts 2013-14 Key Issues

Supporting documents:


7.1 The Committee considered the key issues of the Scrutiny of Accounts 2013-14 report.


7.2 Sandy Mewies declared an interest as a member of the National Assembly for Wales Commission and absented herself from discussions of the Commission’s accounts.

Meeting: 02/12/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 7)

Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Consideration of evidence received


7.1 The Members agreed to produce a short report on the Commissioners’ Accounts.

Meeting: 02/12/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Letter from the Minister for Finance and Government Business (24 November 2014)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 25/11/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Welsh Government Consolidated Annual Accounts 2013-14: Letter from Sir Derek Jones (14 November 2014)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 11/11/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 4)

4 Scrutiny of Arts Council of Wales Annual Report 2013-14: Additional information

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 11/11/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 4)

4 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Letter from Mike Shooter (3 November 2014)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 11/11/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 4)

4 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Additional information from the Children's Commissioner for Wales

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 04/11/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Letter from the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (14 October 2014)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 04/11/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

2 Scrutiny of Arts Council of Wales Annual Report 2013-14: Letter from Nick Capaldi (17 October 2014)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 13/10/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 9)

Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Consideration of evidence received


9.1 The Committee discussed the evidence received and agreed to write to Dr Shooter as part of his review of the Children’s Commissioner on issues raised and also write to the Chair of the Finance Committee regarding the levels of resources.

Meeting: 13/10/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 Welsh Government Consolidated Annual Accounts 2013-14: Letter from Sir Derek Jones (6 October 2014)

Supporting documents:

Meeting: 13/10/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 10)

Scrutiny of Arts Council of Wales Annual Report 2013-14: Consideration of evidence received


10.1 The Committee discussed the evidence received and agreed to write to the Arts Council of Wales seeking further information on areas of their Annual Report that they had not been questioned on due to time constraints.


Meeting: 13/10/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 7)

7 Scrutiny of Arts Council of Wales Annual Report 2013-14

PAC(4)-26-14 paper 4

Research Brief


Nick Capaldi – Chief Executive, Arts Council of Wales

Hywel Tudor – Director of Finance and Resources, Arts Council of Wales

Supporting documents:


6.1 The Committee scrutinised the Arts Council of Wales Annual Report 2013-14 questioning Nick Capaldi, Chief Executive and Hywel Tudor, Director of Finance and Resources.

6.2 Nick Capaldi agreed to provide further information on the ‘Collectorplan’ loan scheme, including eligibility of art works, gender, income and geographical spread. He also agreed to provide a note on how the ACfW is implementing the strategy to increase participation with people from under-represented groups as part of their targets for 21014-15 and goals for 2018.

Meeting: 13/10/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 6)

6 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Welsh Language Commissioner

PAC(4)-26-14 paper 3

Research Brief


Meri Huws - Welsh Language Commissioner

Richard Davies – Finance Officer, Office of the Welsh Language Commissioner

Supporting documents:


6.1 The Committee scrutinised the Welsh Language Commissioners’ Accounts for 2013-14 questioning Meri Huws, Welsh Language Commissioner and Richard Davies, Finance Officer.

Meeting: 13/10/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 5)

5 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Children's Commissioner for Wales

PAC(4)-26-14 paper 2

Research Brief


Keith Towler - Children's Commissioner for Wales

Tony Evans – Head of Corporate Services, Children's Commissioner for Wales

Supporting documents:


5.1 The Committee scrutinised the Children’s Commissioner for Wales Accounts for 2013-14 questioning Keith Towler, Children's Commissioner for Wales and Tony Evans, Head of Corporate Services.

5.2 The Children’s Commissioner for Wales agreed to provide details of the cost of the car lease, and how those costs compare to use of a private vehicle. He also agreed to provide details on the increase in other administrative expenditure of £18,000 between 2012-13 and 2013-14.

Meeting: 13/10/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 1)

Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14:


1.1 Members discussed the research briefs in advance of the scrutiny sessions with the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, the Welsh Language Commissioner and the Arts Council for Wales.

Meeting: 07/10/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 6)

Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Consideration of evidence received


6.1 Members discussed the evidence received.

Meeting: 07/10/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 4)

4 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

PAC(4)-25-14 paper 2

Research Brief


Nick Bennett - Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

Chris Vinestock – Director and Chief Officer, Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

Dave Meadon – Finance Officer, Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

Susan Hudson, Policy & Communications Manager, Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

Supporting documents:


4.1 The Committee scrutinised the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales Accounts for 2013-14 questioning Nick Bennett, Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, Chris Vinestock, Director and Chief Officer, Dave Meadon, Finance Officer, and Susan Hudson, Policy & Communications Manager.

4.2 The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales agreed to send a note clarifying the provisions for pension arrangements and explaining the basis for historic pension deficits.


Meeting: 07/10/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 3)

3 Scrutiny of Commissioners’ Accounts 2013-14: Older People's Commissioner for Wales

PAC(4)-25-14 paper 1

Research Brief


Sarah Rochira - Older People's Commissioner for Wales

Alison Phillips – Director of Finance, Older People's Commissioner for Wales

Supporting documents:


3.1 The Committee scrutinised the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales Accounts for 2013-14 questioning Sarah Rochira, Older People's Commissioner for Wales and Alison Phillips, Director of Finance.

Meeting: 22/09/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 6)

Welsh Government Consolidated Annual Accounts 2013 - 2014


6.1 Members discussed the evidence received and agreed to revisit the issue on receipt of the additional information from the Permanent Secretary.

Meeting: 22/09/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 4)

4 Welsh Government Consolidated Annual Accounts 2013 - 2014

PAC(4)-23-14 paper 2


Sir Derek Jones – Permanent Secretary, Welsh Government

Michael Hearty - Director General, Finance & Corporate Services, Welsh Government

Lynne Hamilton - Director of Finance & Commercial, Welsh Government

Gawain Evans - Deputy Director Financial Controls, Welsh Government

Supporting documents:


4.1 The Committee scrutinised Sir Derek Jones, the Permanent Secretary at the Welsh Government and his officials on the Welsh Government Consolidated Annual Accounts 2013 – 2014.

4.2 The Permanent Secretary agreed to:

·       Send details exit packages awarded and related savings in salary costs and also provide a breakdown of increases in staff numbers within the organisation

·       Provide an explanation of the Welsh risk pool provision

·       Provide an explanation as to why the use of renewable energy has decreased with an increase in the use of non-renewable energy within the Welsh Government’s estate

·       Provide a breakdown of the expenditure incurred on official business travel for 2012-13 and 2013-14, on CRC allowances and energy expenditure for 2013-14

·       Provide a breakdown on expenditure for travel, subsistence and hospitality in 2013-14

·       Provide a detailed explanation for the implication the failure of the Welsh Government to secure £25.6m in non-cash provision. Following the discussion with the Permanent Secretary, Members agreed that they wished to see the lessons learnt report following this incident.

Meeting: 22/09/2014 - Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly (Item 2)

Welsh Government Consolidated Annual Accounts 2013 - 2014

Research Brief

Supporting documents:


2.1 Members discussed the research brief in advance of the scrutiny session on the Welsh Government Consolidated Annual Accounts 2013-14 with the Permanent Secretary.