P-04-658 – The Brimmon Oak

This petition was submitted by Mervyn Lloyd Jones and Rob McBride, having collected 4,730 signatures.


Textof Petition

We, the undersigned, call upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to adhere to the recommendations of the appointed arboricultural specialist’s report that it commissioned as part of the environmental assessment for the much needed A483 Newtown bypass.

This would result in the preservation of one of the most significant ‘Natural Monuments’ of Montgomeryshire, whilst facilitating the economic revival of the County Town. People from Montgomeryshire, across Wales and indeed the wider world are aware that sustainability has always been the ‘central organising principle’ of the Welsh Government since the National Assembly was created in 1999.

The safeguarding of the Brimmon Oak as part of the historic A483 Newtown Bypass will be a demonstration of the Welsh Government's commitment to preserving our birth right for the Wellbeing of Future Generations.  

Assembly Constituency and Region

•      Montgomeryshire

•      Mid and West Wales