P-06-1368 The Welsh Govt should take steps to save the Environmental Information Regulations in relation to Wales


This petition was submitted by Guy Linley-Adams, having collected a total of 272 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

The pro bono student Environment Project of the School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University, has examined the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and how they could be improved in Wales, producing a short report


However, If the REUL Bill passes, it will 'sunset' all EU-derived subordinate legislation in 2023, including the 2004 Regulations.


The UK would be in breach of the Aarhus Convention.


The Welsh Government must use its powers to save the 2004 Regulations for Wales.


Additional Information:

The importance of the rights granted to the public by the Aarhus Convention (and hence by the 2004 Regulations) are summarised brilliantly in Fish Legal v Information Commissioner United Utilities plc Yorkshire Water Services Ltd and the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [2015] UKUT 52 (AAC), at para 57:


“The Aarhus Convention...links environmental rights and human rights. It acknowledges that we owe an obligation to future generations. It establishes that sustainable development can be achieved only through the involvement of all stakeholders. It links government accountability and environmental protection. It focuses on interactions between the public and public authorities in a democratic context and it is forging a new process for public participation in the negotiation and implementation of international agreements...


...it is also a Convention about government accountability, transparency, and responsiveness...".



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