P-05-1029 The Welsh Government should introduce mandatory testing of all passengers arriving at Cardiff Airport


This petition was submitted by Lawrence Evans having collected a total of 184 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

Due to Coronavirus passengers are currently required to quarantine on arrival at Cardiff Airport from a list of European and International Countries.


This has led to a decline in passenger numbers utilizing the airport both outbound and inbound, a loss of revenue for airlines supporting our National airport, a loss of revenue for Cardiff Airport Ltd and a lack of confidence in the tourism industry due to passengers being required to quarantine on their return from identified countries.


Additional Information:

Cardiff airport is operated by an arms length company from Welsh Government, who have invested significantly in the airport and its facilities/staff.


If the current situation of mandatory quarantine is allowed to continue a catastrophic decline in passenger numbers will occur leading to significant financial losses for all parties concerned, the airport, the airlines & passengers who in many cases have to decide whether to forego their already paid for travel plans due to the restrictions of quarantine upon their return. Many countries throughout the World already, successfully operate two stage testing of passengers upon entry to their territory & a repeat five days later & this should be introduced to Cardiff airport to reassure the traveling public that their flight/holiday can proceed without further anxiety, concern & loss of monies paid. This will also return a degree of certainty to those airlines already invested in Cardiff airport & help retain their services for the future.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Ogmore

·         South Wales West